from – When it comes to the controversial food-truck-themed porno “The Flying Pink Pig,” porn king Ron Jeremy’s words have proven to be prophetic. The oracular Hedgehog told us yesterday:
“We want to thank [Flying Pig taco truck owner Joe Kim] very much for suing. We appreciate it. It’s like when “Debbie Does Dallas” came out and the Dallas Cheerleaders sued. They made it the most popular movie in America. I personally want to thank him for suing Erica.”
(He also told us why he prefers a good surf-and-turf dinner to a roll in the hay — or on a taco truck counter.)
Making the most of all the free publicity this controversy has generated, the companies behind “The Flying Pink Pig” are sponsoring a “When Pigs Fly” contest, in which one lucky entrant will win a $1,000 cash and a night on the town with one of the film’s stars. If you love tacos and pink tacos (but not Pink Taco), this is the contest for you.
(The backstory: Kim says he only discovered that his popular taco truck had been used in a porno when he read about it online. He thought it was being used in a “romantic movie.” He was misled, and now he’s suing to block the film’s release. The film’s director Erica McLean says that’s a load of bull. She says he knew exactly how his truck was being used. She has the papers to prove it. She’s not backing down, and the movie is still set for a February 8th release.)
Contestants vying for the “a la carte” evening select from a “menu” of options that includes which hotel to stay at (The Standard, The W or The London), which restaurant to eat in (Saddle Ranch, Ketchup, Geisha House, In-N-Out), which club to visit (Viper Room, Red Rock, Key Club or Body Shop) and which porn star to do it all with: Sunny Lane, Nicki Hunter, Cytheria or Sasha Heart.
There’s also a personal essay section, requiring entrants to answer “Why should we choose you?” The ladies of the Flying Pink Pig will choose “the most enthusiastic response provided.” We don’t know what that means (frankly, we’re afraid to ask), but we do know the winner receives an all-expenses paid trip for two, so, uh… bring your girlfriend?
In case you were worried, the contests is open to men and women because the “sex-crazed nymphomaniacs” (that’s straight from the press release) of “The Flying Pink Pig” swing every which way. They also serve recipes “guaranteed to make the customer come again and again” (again, the press release).
We know the plot is the least important thing about this movie, but “The Flying Pink Pig” stars Sunny Lane as a humble food truck operator trying to make a living on the mean streets of LA while avoiding a hostile takeover from a competing truck owner, played by Ron Jeremy in a non-sex role.