Former celebrity Lindsay Lohan will play a porn-star in some new porn-star biopic! According to Salon, the Bobby (?) star will play Linda Lovelace, the esophageally pliant lead in the 1972 adult film Deep Throat, which later became the pseudonym-sake of Watergate tipster Mark Felt. Bill Pullman will play Hugh Hefner. Congratulations to you too, Bill Pullman!
Director Matthew Wilder is so excited about this in a probably unintentionally undermine-y way. He said it’s likely “one of the most challenging roles any actor could play—and not because of the sexual content, necessarily—but more because she was so battered and beat up emotionally, that I think it’s gonna take everything Lindsay has to really be able to pull it off … Not that Lindsay’s life is similar in any way—but she’s been through a lot of ups and downs. A lot of times you’re loved and then you’re hated, and I think she can relate to those emotions and feelings.”
The announcement comes on the heels of Lohan’s forced departure from The Other Side—allegedly the studio felt the Chapter 27 (?) actress was not “bankable” enough. Keep in mind that movie is about “an over-achieving science scholar as she solves a bizarre mystery involving the wacky eccentric residents of a remote island where she ultimately discovers unforeseen personal ties to its history” and stars Dave Matthews and Alanis Morissette, so.