Porn Valley- To take 101 guys in the ass, one needs a certain indifference to consequence. One might also require a loose screw. Which in the case of Victoria Givens,, she apparently has enough to stock an Ace Hardware.
Sitting in a chair like a department store Santa Claus, Givens took one guy after another up her butt Saturday afternoon at VIP Showgirls in North Hollywood. A little bit after 12 noon she set a record at 51. A little before 4 pm, Givens leaped out of the Santa Claus chair, her ass trailing the scent of 101 men. Victoria elected to stop at that number. Maybe not in honor of a Los Angeles freeway, but close enough. And, wonder of wonders, Givens, with nary an accident during the event and no traces of having walked the Bataan anal march, displayed no apparent signs of physical stress. Would her knees buckle under her hours later? Would she wind up walking like an 18 year-old porn star trying out pumps for the first time? Would she shit herself involuntarily during the NFL preview show Sunday morning? We’ll have to wait and see.
And how would Gary Garber, who was doing the interviewing for the Howard Stern people, get all the colorful ass references past the E! Channel censors? Especially after Tony Montana, who’s acting as a paper coordinator/ sergeant-at-arms in this event, told Garber how he once ate out Candi Evans after 20 guys fucked her. Or how he’d suck Givens’ asshole clean after the 101st guy was finished. That’s Garber’s problem.
In a room where the aroma of fresh brewed coffee cancels out any traces of ball sweat and man ass, Givens’ husband Bill Tyler, a man with arms like a power lifter, even had to admit that Givens baffled him. “She did it all without lube,” said Tyler who serves as general manager of Victoria Givens Productions. “Now that’s sick.”
But maybe not as sick as arriving at VIP Showgirls 3:30 AM to find a bunch of guys already waiting out in the parking lot as though they were giving tickets away to a Bruce Springsteen concert. Not a concert, but the first come, first served rule applies. With numbers stamped on a black wristband, those who were first in line get squatters rights to Givens. Primary honors, though, are accorded to Jack Spade. Maybe by virtue of the fact of being married to 27 different porn stars simultaneously. I don’t think Spade was residing in a parking lot, though.
Unlike other gangbangs which pull a loaves and fishes miracle by turning 40 guys into 600, Tyler’s got his 100 men locked up complete with AIDS tests. Later, he tells Garber that orchestrating this project has consumed several months of his life with 16 hour work days. And it shows because the Givens event is certainly the most organized one I’ve been to. When asked if he thought the Givens gangbang tape would sell, Tyler says, “100 dicks in your ass has to be sufficient to sell a tape. If not, I’m getting out of this business. I can always get a job- ‘Paper or Plastic?’ ”
Besides being candid, Tyler as you can see, is a pretty funny guy, besides. He keeps the room light and the event moving very efficiently which in itself is a miracle considering that Tyler’s working with an conga line of untried cock.
Tyler, occupying the Showgirls stage, goes over the ground rules with those who would stick it in his wife’s ass. One guy asks if they should put their cell phones in their pockets. “You’re not going to have any pockets,” Tyler tells him, dryly. The rules also call for everyone to be wearing T-shirts, seeing as how they’re the sponsors of the event. And that’s pretty much it.
With 100 semi-naked guys from the waist down on parade, the scene looks more like the dormitory at Boy’s World. The gangbang rules have also allowed for masks, and some men saunter in with painted Halloween faces; others have opted for the Mexican wrestler look. But with a hundred dangling dicks and a bunch of cameras the men basically keep to themselves as though observing the unwritten code of urinal conduct.
The guys are given express rules not to walk outside wearing the T-shirts. Dressed as they are, I can only imagine a call from the Sears Customer dept.. Because there also happens to be one next door which prompts Montana to muse how the zoning laws got re-arranged to allow a strip club in the same shopping center. Montana, who used to be a Deuce Bigalow male gigolo at one time, tells me that VIP Showgirls was a Miller’s Outpost.
Another guy asks Tyler if the heat can be cranked up. “Anything else I can do for you motherfuckers?” Tyler laughs. He informs them that Givens has baked cupcakes for everybody who participated. “She bakes, too. It don’t get fuckin’ better than that.” Tyler makes a public announcement that various companies have donated promotional items to the cause, that one company has supplied minty wipes so that Givens’ sphincter can smell like mouthwash. “But I couldn’t get any guys to send me Nikes,” Tyler moans.
One of the gangbang 100 has been nicknamed “Ticketman”. Later Tyler explains that this is a guy who drove from Illinois and halfway to the gangbang calls Tyler in a panic. The guy is blabbering some story about being pulled over for speeding and that his license has been confiscated. [There has to be more to the story than that because you just don’t get your license yanked on the spot.]
The punch line to the story is that Tyler’s asked by the guy if he could use his speeding ticket in lieu of a license for I.D. Tyler thinks this is hysterical. Once the gangbang’s under way, Tyler has to deal with another issue. Someone who’s not on the press list is at the door demanding to be let in. He claims he’s from French Velvet. “He’s very adamant,” the PA tells Tyler who wants to know if the guy has any credentials. “Well, he sounds French,” Tyler’s told. Otherwise, Tyler exhibits a truly accommodating whatever you want, whatever you need attitude in dealing with the press who’ve bothered to register. But it becomes apparent that the news and gossip sites are thinly represented.
[Did the 7am call time daunt everyone but the most robust?]
As the bride at the anal gangbang, Givens has chosen an ensemble that includes thigh highs and a half bra. Her ladies in-waiting are KSEX co-ho Michelle Lay, and KSEX, peejay Lisa Sparxxx who’s just back from Poland where she did 919 guys. And there’s also the honey blond Julie Robbins, a certifiable hunk a burnin’ love, who’s from Givens’ home town in North Carolina. Robbins sports the same syrupy Southern Belle drawl as Victoria. “And they’re both touched in the head,” Tyler muses. “It must be the water.” Tyler announces that Sparxxx has just done her world gangbang. “So she’s fucked up, too.”
Robbins, with her rich strippers tan, beautiful legs and lively ass probably gets the most attention because she’s the new face in the room. The photogs are dying for one more ass spread, one more cheek shot from Robbins who accommodates them during down time. Lay’s job during the shoot is to ice Givens’ ass down, keep her psyched and talk dirty to the guys. Meanwhile, Robbins and Sparxxx work the other end of the stage like a Ford plant assembly line. Sparxxx takes one cock after another in her mouth. Normally she’s charging $30 for the privilege when she organizes her private motel room bukkakes. And God knows what the prevailing rate is in Poland.
Robbins, as occasion warrants, does two guys at a time. Rhythmically, efficiently Sparxxx and Robbins keep Givens supplied with hard-ons, but there’s no mercy for slack. If that happens, a guy is pulled out of the line and sent to the back of the bus. Otherwise, the rules call for one minute in Givens’ ass. If you pop, you pop. At one point during the second break- after Givens has established the world’s record- Tyler makes another important, for-dear-life announcement.
“They [meaning the strip club’s management] catch you jerkin’ your dick on the goddamned floor, you will be escorted out.” One can only imagine the discovery of some errant DNA crawling to life on the industrial carpet.
Montana, who’s comedy relief at any gangbang, walks in as an obvious Native American is riding Givens like a Pinto to Custer’s massacre. “The Injun nation- hey, chief way to go!” Montana yells out, raising a voluble war whoop. After the event, I get a tap on my shoulder. It’s guy 101 from the gangbang who hands me a business card. His name is Zak and he reminds you of a fresh scrubbed country boy ballplayer from The Natural.
“You look like somebody important,” Zak says and tells me he’d like to get into porn. He, too, is from North Carolina. Everybody in the room seems to be from North Carolina.
“I want to do something big,” Zak tells me. I tell him he did, that he just had sloppy 101sts in an ass bang. Then I tell Zak something to the effect that he should do something big for himself and get a real job. Zak tells me he has one, that he’s a general contractor.
Then I look at his card. It states, “I can and will do anything.” So much for building houses.