Porn Valley- Whatever’s been going on behind the scenes between Wankus and Jill Kelly girl Tyler Faith was pretty much in full view and out in the open on KSEX, last night. Faith was subbing for co-ho Rebecca Love and appeared to be putting in a little over time.
Apparently on a high because he claimed he saw Jared from the Subway commercial eating a Twinkie on Lankershim earlier in the day, Wankus had been frisky all night. Faith’s attitude about his Jared story was shut up. “I don’t believe you saw him,” she said. Wankus, who’s been dressing lately like John Travolta in Staying Alive swears he saw Jared crossing in front of his car. Faith wasn’t buying it. “I don’t think Jared would be eating a twinkie in public.” As Faith appeared more obstinate, Wankus turned the subject to JKP residuals. “I don’t think that’s anyone’s business,” said Faith. “The IRS moght be listening.”
Sensing that Faith was in some kind of mood herself, Wankus observed that she was being “a naughty pants”.