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Wankus Responds to Selena Comments

Wankus responds to the comments Selena Silver made about him and KSEX on

Wankus posts on When we terminated Kent and Selena’s radio show on, we made a choice to move forward in a professional manner by not name calling, airing dirty laundry and/or publishing any information that could be viewed as negative for either parties involved. When conflict erupts, it is always the best policy in any business to start anew and move on without stooping to a lower level by smearing or attempting to harm the reputation of anyone involved in the situation.

Even after these horribly incorrect accusations, skewed facts and misquoted e-mail excerpts have been published,, under advice from our legal team, will not be pushed into a public war of “he said / she said”. As of now, this public display of unprofessionalism and false accusations will be handled by the court systems of the State of California.

As a side note for anyone who didn’t read it publicly in the countless news stories and posts, here is how the KSEXgames was handled.

Fact: AdultDVDempire and merged together on a promotion that they thought would be a great press builder for us and all involved. It was. While the object of the event was for press and promo we did agree to split profits should the advertised event make any money.

Fact: KSEX agreed to handle the creative side of the event. Organize the games, rules, set up, land the venue, provide hosts for play by play, etc. They did.

Fact: AdultDVDempire agreed to contact the movie companies and ask them if they would like to participate in an Olympic style event that will be fun and great press for all involved. An event that would be used as a camaraderie builder among adult stars and a fun day out of competition between the movie companies. An event that would be seen Video on Demand and if good enough, possibly DVD or other venues. AdultDVDempire asked if they were able to field a team for this event. The five companies that participated did just that.

Fact: All movie companies were provided with model and injury releases two weeks before the event. They were told that since this was an on-camera event that whoever they selected to represent their movie company would have to sign a release and provide the required 2257 identification. They did.

Fact: No one who was asked to participate in the event was misled before or the day of the event. The event details were spelled out in detail to the movie companies, e-mails, to the Sex-a-letes in a KSEXgames Handbook and via message boards and adult web news services. Nothing was ever hidden or scammed. We have documentation to confirm all of this, including to DVSX who was responsible for booking Selena Silver to appear in this event.

Fact: Some movie companies paid the girls to be there. Some did not. KSEX paid their staff that worked in the games. The crew that KSEX was responsible for to participate.

Fact: Wankus received NO PRODUCERS fee. No fee of any kind.

Fact: Adam & Eve had no connection with this event aside from participating as a team. If they plan on marketing the DVD when it is released, like all the other companies, they have that option.

Fact: All the girls will be offered the DVDs to sell for their own profits as well.

Fact: In the credits of the DVD, all Sex-a-letes were listed by name and personal URL so fans could find them

Fact: KSEX is receiving multiple emails from talent that participated for free, asking to be included in the next one. There have also been emails and phone calls from movie companies and talent that did not appear, asking to be included in the next one.

Summary: Anyone who participated in this event was informed of every detail of the event. If they did not want to appear in the promotion under the circumstances of what they were presented by the movie company who booked them, they should have told the movie company to not include them. Had KSEX or anyone involved in this promotion promised payment and not delivered, then that is a whole different story. People were involved under their own free will and everyone was in the loop on that.

In Regards to

Fact: KSEX is funded by memberships, advertisers and in the past from a sister company that provides non-ksex content and offers the KSEX streaming cams as a leasing package as well.

Fact: KSEX does not sell footage or photographs from any of their past shows to any venue. Never has.

Fact: KSEX is seen in short clips on Blue Kiss TV in scattered countries in Asia. KSEX receives no monetary compensation for that. It is a trade agreement with the network in an attempt to receive promotion and recognition in hopes of increasing audience size.

Fact: All KSEX hosts are paid $20 dollars per hour to host sex talk radio shows. [Part time radio hosts in broadcast radio market #2, Los Angeles are paid between $8 and $20 dollars per hour.]

Fact: KSEXradio hosts are also given the KSEX Members Area for their websites for free. Which means, fans can join the hosts website to view KSEX, giving them a chance to make the money for themselves.

Fact: KSEXradio gives their hosts free commercial air time on the radio station. They record a commercial, KSEX plays it for them at no cost to them.

Fact: Everyone that hosts a show on KSEX is compensated for their participation. There is not a person who has ever worked as a host who can say that they haven’t been paid, including Selena and Kent who have checks waiting for them at the office since the time of their termination. A quote they neglected to include in their termination email from August 18, 2004 says, “We have two checks for you that cover monies due for all the hours you have worked on KSEX, not including last weeks show. You can invoice separately for those shows by following the normal procedure that was explained to you when you came on board with KSEX. Our bookkeeper cannot find record of your signed W-9 forms so before you receive the payment, we will need you both to fill the forms out. Harry will have your checks at the office beginning tomorrow [Thursday] and you may pick them up between the hours of 10:00am and 4:00pm (PST).”

Fact: The Silvers were called and emailed countless times and asked to attend a face to face meeting in regards to the termination of their show. When there was no response, they were terminated by email so that there was at least a paper trail.

Fact: On rare occasions, industry photographers “Ernie and Gordon” attended KSEX shows to take pictures for popular adult magazines. They came to provide coverage of the shows, the stars and the radio station. A thing they do at many industry events and porn sets not affiliated with KSEX. We became aware at a later date that they were getting small submission fees from the magazines that they were sending photos and text to but we allowed it because we felt the promotion for all parties involved who would be represented in some of those high end adult magazines was well worth it. When the Silvers expressed their concerns of being photographed, we asked them not to return on that show. They didn’t. Further, Selena and Kent were given 60 prints of the shots took on August 1st of this year and offered to them as something they can use on their site or own self promotion.

Fact: The listening and viewing audience totals for KSEX on any given day are between three to five thousand listeners at peak times. Our later shows do drop down considerably because we lose the audience on the east coast but in general, between the live shows and the few times they are replayed, as well as all the industry press coverage most of the shows receive, there is GREAT VALUE in appearing on KSEX.

In Summary: Our hosts are not lied to, our guests are not deceived. We provide all the facts whenever asked and all the details to hosts as they sign on to be a part of the team. We have about 40 hosts, many of them big name stars and most importantly many who have been on the station for many years. If the things that were falsely stated against us were true, there would be no loyalty among the KSEX staffers. We have worked too long and too hard at being fair to talent. We have always been and always will be.

The Non-Issue “Porn Star Karaoke”

This is the amusing part of the posts.

PSKclub began when Aria, Sun & Konnie of DVSX and I went out for fun to sing. The next thing we knew, everyone started coming. Because we were giving the club such great promotion, Seymour who owns the club agreed to list us as “sponsors” of the event. Our logos were on a sign at the club and the press listings included that as well.

No money between any companies changed hands. It was “you keep talking me up and I’ll give you the credit.”

When I agreed to host the event as a “worker” not a patron, he agreed to pay me in the form of an open bar tab and $125 DJ fee. Yes, that is a crime. I should’ve got more.

Since it became a job and I really didn’t have any time to be involved anymore with all the other things going on, I have since resigned and haven’t been to PSK in over a month.

In Overall Summary: There’s no conspiracy theory here. No secrets, lies or deceit. It’s really simple. If people want to participate, they do. If they don’t, they don’t. KSEX has been a positive place for the adult industry. They have begun careers, boomed awareness of adult stars, given fans a place to interact with stars on a personal level, announced retirements, broke big news stories and given adult stars and directors a forum to promote directly to the fans. There are KSEX haters like there are haters in any business but that does not hinder our goals to be “The Place” to go to have fun, promote yourself and be welcomed at any stage of your adult career.”

Download the KSEXgames today at



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