Porn Valley- In a situation both my tarot cards and Ray Charles saw coming, Wankus announces his split from KSEX Daisy.
Wankus posts on I’ve been trying to just let this move on but with the constant emails, phone calls and posts, I guess I do owe you fans an explanation on Daisy’s departure from KSEX.
I was going to talk about it on my show but seriously, I don’t think I could do so without breaking down so here is going to have to do.
Daisy and I have decided to part ways. We’ve been together for over three and a half awesome years but we’ve struggled a lot because although we truly love each other, our lives are kind of moving in different directions.
Normally I would feel like this conversation and information is nobody’s business but you’ve all come to know and love Daisy as she has been such an important part of the growth of KSEX.
She didn’t say goodbye on air because it hurts too much. We didn’t have a party for her because it would hurt too much. This isn’t a “good luck with your new venture” kind of thing, this is a “we all love you so much and are emotionally crushed” kind of thing. A goodbye show, party, bon voyage, etc., would be so painful and quite frankly, she really wanted to take a break from anything that involved the adult world for now.
For those of you that don’t remember, Daisy used to be a cam girl on one of those web cam show sites. I met her when a friend of hers was featured on my show. I actually met her in the chat room and she was being such a wise ass and cleverly treating me like shit that I really enjoyed her in there. After that we began talking on the phone, then visiting each other coast to coast until finally she moved out here.
Our founder, Mike Rick, loved her. She was always willing to do ANYTHING for KSEX and we had to beg her to take money for it. One thing many people don’t realize is that Daisy was one of the best show hosts in the history of KSEX. She wasn’t featured in a billboard like the porn stars were but she was the key element that kept so many shows together.
She learned how to do “good radio” and always kept the stars on track and the conversation moving. I think she always wanted her own show and I waited too long to give her one.
Her and I decided two weeks ago that we were going to take a break and separate. It doesn’t mean we’ll never be together again but it also doesn’t mean that we will. She’s going to take some time to refocus her life as I will mine and I only hope that we’ll be in constant contact as we do have a great deal of love for one another.
Today is the day she officially moved out of our house and it is one of the worse feelings you can imagine, watching a person you care for so much, drive away into an unknown future.
Those of you who have been reading about Wankus and Tyler, Wankus and Stormy, Wankus and Anyone….don’t play too much into the media hype. There were no outside influences or secret affairs that led to the break up with Daisy. We have been having some conflicting issues for a little while now and as much as it truly hurts both of us, for now, this is the best thing for both of us.
That said…no, the Disney Weekend didn’t happen. And I’d like to say a big fuck you (with love) to Brian (Cytherea’s man) who predicted that it wouldn’t happen two months ago when I announced it. Why did he predict it? “They’re porn stars…in two months everything will be different”. He was right.
So there it is. Our personal lives exposed. I hope that this answers your questions and gives you understandable reason as to the absence of the beautiful Daisy. Her KSEX email has been turned off and she asks that if you have her personal email addys or instant messenger info, that you don’t contact her right now. It’s not that she doesn’t want to hear from you, it’s that she needs a break and time away to heal from this emotional roller coaster we have been living lately.
Much love and respect to all that support us,