NEW YORK – Call it DWWP – Driving While Watching Porn.
And, as a hapless upstate New York man named Andre Gainey discovered, it’s illegal in New York.
Cops said Gainey was tooling around Schenectady in a customized Mercedes-Benz that had tiny movie screens embedded in the passenger-side visor and in the back of the headrests.
The feature playing in Gainey’s movie-mobile was a skin flick called “Chocolate Foam,” starring Amanda Pebbles.
“The screen was in the visor, where the vanity mirror would be, and it was pulled toward him so he could watch it,” police spokesman Pete Frisoni told the New York Daily News.
Stopped at a red light, Gainey was apparently so distracted by Pebbles’ on-screen exertions that he did not notice the unmarked cop car behind his – or that he was directly across the street from the Schenectady, N.Y., Police Headquarters.
“It was dark and he was at a busy intersection and anybody within a few feet of the car could clearly see what he was watching,” Frisoni said. “There were lots of police officers around.”
Gainey, 35, of upstate Clifton Park, N.Y., was pulled over a block later. He compounded his mounting legal troubles by giving a false name to cops when he was fingerprinted late Tuesday.
This prompted police to add forgery to the charges of public display of offensive material, driving with a suspended license and driving while watching a television.
“His prints were in the system,” said Frisoni, who declined to say why. Gainey could not be reached for comment.
Surprised by the report, Joe Pichi of the state Department of Motor Vehicles said: “Our biggest problem is illegal cell phone use while driving.”
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