Smelly Monkey posts on Okay Luke posted a report on tawny roberts birthday party being a complete bust with around 12 people showing up. i would rank this as a top 5 most dramatic things that could happen in ones life, tawny also happens to have experienced at least another 2 on the top 5 list, meaning she is 2 away from a grand slam plus 1 or something??. Back to the point, the reason tawny’s bday party was a bust is because she put the most hated person in any field in charge of it in mary carey.
now people hate having to be around her when they are paid to, on porn sets,etc. Who wants to spend their free time with this energy and life sucking human stain?, the answer is 12 people. Side note, what in the fuck happened to tawny?, she used to be cute now she looks like she has been shot in the face with homer’s whore make up shot gun and then hit 3 times with a sledge hammer.