JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Billboards around the city are urging people to stop looking at pornography in the name of love.
The messages showed on up on five of the daily billboards that are located all around Jacksonville.
The billboards have an anti-porn message — “Her gift for Valentine’s Day — stop looking at porn. XXXChurch.com”
The message is expected to be on the billboard for Valentine’s Day only.
A church is responsible for the billboards’ message.
Instead of the chocolates, flowers, stuffed animals, cards or even dinner out on the town, the founder of the Web site XXXChurch.com Craig Gross said he had another idea.
The Web site is based out of Grand Rapids, Mich.
“It’s just to tell guys, especially, not to have the make-believe relationships with porn stars, but to concentrate on their marriages and their relationships with their loves ones,” Gross said.
He said porn is a serious problem that more than 40 million people struggle with everyday, and he wants people to kick the habit.
“Porn is everywhere. It is all over the Internet. There are some 400 million pornographic Web pages. We want people to talk about this issue,” Gross said.
The billboards promoting XXXChurch.com is sure to do just that.
“One of the best things that I think that we offer is a free software called x3watch. It monitors where you go online and it sends a report of any questionable Web sites or porn site that you visit and it sends that report to anyone that you want it to,” Gross said.
Overall, Gross said he hopes to make a difference on the day of love that comes around once a year.
“The message today on Valentine’s Day is just, ‘Hey, let’s send this message out to let people know that this would be a great thing in their relationship if they could kick the porn habit,'” Gross said.
Besides the five billboards in Jacksonville, organizers posted two signs in Michigan and one in New York.
Organizers said they chose Jacksonville for five postings because they liked the idea of having them up for one day only — Valentine’s Day.