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There are many dramatic moments in Bryce Wagoner’s documentary After Porn Ends. But none so much as when Hall of Fame performer Richard Pacheco talks about how the threat of HIV compelled him to leave the business.
“I didn’t leave the business because I wanted to; I left the business because I felt I had to, that it was the right thing to do,” intones Pacheco.
“On November 4th, 1984, was the first headline in the San Francisco Chronicle regarding the heterosexual transmission of AIDS. A good friend of mine who was a mathematician had read the same article I did. He came over to my house in the afternoon and said I’ve done some calculations based on the numbers reported here in the story and you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. I want you to stop.
“I had three jobs lined up for December. My wife said I don’t want you to do them. My thinking was this was trying to sell newspapers; that’s what newspapers do, they scare you. I didn’t think the danger’s that real and I’m going ahead and doing these jobs.
“So I went off and did those three jobs. When I came home and we were about to go to bed that night she said to me, ‘Do you think we should?’
Should? Should what? Have sex? Yeah, you think we should have sex? And I said what are you talking about. She said, ‘Don’t you think it would be prudent if one of us remained alive to raise the kids?’
“That was the brick wall.”