As with any profession or occupation concerned with public welfare and the common good, there are a certain share of sincere and dedicated people who honestly attempt to make significant changes and, thus, improve the world.
Then you have the clowns of the bureaucratic circus like Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, who make their living by contributing nothing to mankind while feeding off human misery and the public dole.
If it was up to Hatch, a scrunched, dour, humorless man, animals would be wearing pants and women, cast iron panty hose.
Hatch, a six term senator since when he first took office in 1977, is nothing more than a patrician and dilettante, a fear monger and buttinsky, all too willing to lecture you on how best to live your life.
From the time we began writing about the adult industry, Hatch struck us as the most ignominious man ever to enter politics besides being a bully that has never been called out and met head-on. And Hatch time and again has never failed to disappoint with his arrogance, pomposity and vast resources of smug political gamesmanship….
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