Porn Valley- Axel Braun was telling this story about Mark Ashley. Ashley walks on a set, is told okay you going to do a scene on this couch. Ashley looks at the couch, puts it in the frame of his fingers like a photographer eyeing a shot. Ashley decides he doesn’t like the composition and insists that a couple of couches be moved to suit HIS idea of the scene. Ashley is asked, what the fuck? He tells everybody that’s because he’s directing now so he’s got his concept of how this should all look. His whims are accommodated. Next time Ashley comes on a set, the same thing happens. Then it happens a third time. Ashley then tries his luck once more. This time he’s told it’s not going to happen. Braun said he let Ashley walk out in a snit.
You can only go so far as a people pleaser, but apparently Braun discovered a trick long ago that keeps smiles on the faces of a lot of women. Back in his student days in France, Braun learned how to hit the G-spot and make women turn into human oil wells. Which is basically the idea behind his new series for New Sensations called Squirting 101. Braun, who was shooting a scene for it Friday afternoon in this sumptuous location in Agoura Hills that reminds you of a modern art gallery, was of the opinion that almost anybody can make a pretty movie these days. And Braun has certainly been lauded for a few. Today he had the location for another one. But making a porno that’s also educational in an entertaining way is entirely another challenge.
But Braun’s convinced that almost anyone can be taught to make a woman squirt, which, if you’ve got that trick in your pocket, you’ve got 99% of the magic show.
But many men through the ages have, in similar instances, tried and failed. But that hasn’t kept them from trying again. Asked how he stumbled upon the obvious Holy Grail of sex, Braun said he was a 16 year-old student studying for a history final. “I was in Paris at the Sorbonne Library,” Braun recalls. “I was going through some research books and I wandered the erotic section. There was an American book called the G- Spot. They had it in the French version. I started reading the book and it was fascinating.”
Braun says you hear lots of talk about the G-spot but it’s never really explained just what it is. “They had all these graphics and explained how a certain percentage [around 20%] of women can experience ejaculation.” Armed with some fascinating statistics and equally fascinating techniques to try, Braun said he experimented on his girl friend.
“So I started trying in the bathroom and maybe it took me 15 minutes, but she squirted. I thought this is great! I got one of the 20% this is amazing.” A couple of days later, Braun then picked up a girl in a bar. “I took her home and, sure enough, I tried the same thing. And she squirts too. So I’m thinking I’ve got to keep this girl as a mistress. At least I’ve got two that can squirt.” When the weekend came, Braun along with a friend, acquired some more willing women and made them all squirt. “So I started figuring it’s either me or they all can. Or a combination of both.”
Braun proudly proclaims that every girl he’s had sex with since, has squirted.
So I ask Braun whether he’s ever encountered a concrete pussy where he just can’t make any headway. “Some are tougher,” he agrees. And just recently he encountered one such girl, Penny Flame.
“Sometimes it’s difficult because it’s in front of a camera,” Braun concedes. “While there might be a sexual attraction, it doesn’t need to be there. The girls are paid to be in front of the camera. You’re paid to make them squirt. So it’s little more of a GYN-thing. And sometimes it’s difficult because the girl wants to get out of here. She might not be into it. You never know.”
Braun also mentions that Penny Flame only does girl-girl scenes. “She’s a beautiful girl,” he says. ” We tried. But the way I do it is I let everybody [in the crew] try it first. And then if everything fails, I do it myself.”
[This is a point to keep in mind for the upcoming scene featuring Nautica Thorn and Tony T. because Braun has to come in, in late innings.]
Otherwise, Braun generally leaves the job to his cameraman Dr. Phil who’s got a pretty good battling average when it comes to soliciting geysers, according to Braun. But with Penny Flame, Dr. Phil had no more success than the TV Dr. Phil. That’s when Braun stepped in with his dancing fingers.
“Sometimes it’s harder,” states Braun. ” But most of the time it’s like 15 seconds.” In Flame’s case, Braun said it took almost 10 minutes. “But in the end she squirted a lot. It was pretty cool.” Braun also makes a point of shooting the scene in real time lest the audience suspect there’s no smoke or mirrors.
Braun gets the inevitable feedback from his viewers. There was one “tearjerker” from a guy who’s been married 25 years and always wanted to make his wife wet her pants. Apparently he got the results he sought from watching one of Braun’s movies. To which I suggest that Braun be nominated for the Nobel Piece of Ass Prize.
Then, in the blowjob scene which begins on a couch that Mark Ashley might have rejected in his travels, Tony T’s wearing his NY Yankees cap sideways. Now, if this isn’t enough to make a woman shit herself instantly, I don’t know what is. But Tony, with an active martial arts knuckle technique Jackie Chan would envy, tires at the shoulders. Thorn’s pussy rejects his hand. The task is handed over to Dr. Phil, but the suspicion is that Thorn might be as impregnable as Penny Flame.
A thought, of course, also crosses the mind that Sardos might want to incorporate G-spot races at Porn Star Karaoke with paramutual wagering. But that’s just a thought. Tony T’s going to get to skull fuck Thorn, of course, but Braun still has to prove for the camera that Thorn got tapped into ecstasy – all of which results in some ludicrous body arrangements. Then with one of these nothing up my sleeve, presto change-o moves on the part of Braun, Thorn’s face lends the impression that she’s just been to a Pentacostal meeting. With a deft application of finger love, Braun extracts his hand from Thorn’s crotch with the flourish of David Copperfield and proclaims that he’s struck water.
Shsssssssssssssh. It sure sounds like it.