Last week at Scotty Schwartz’s LA Celebrity Show, actor Michael Pare was on hand to meet and greet fans. Pare has the lead role in one of my all-time favorite films, Streets of Fire which is a Rock N’ Roll movie with a Blade Runner edge.
A young Diane Lane plays Pare’s ex, a singer, who’s kidnapped by a motorcycle gang headed by Willem Dafoe. As motorcycle gangs go, my guess is Dafoe’s creepy character in that movie would have made STP motor oil out of Marlon Brando in The Wild Ones and Peter Fonda in The Wild Angels.
It’s Lane in that scooped back red dress belting out a song in the film’s finale that puts a signature to the whole project.
Holly Sherwood is the one lending her voice, but Lane in that outfit can sing The Star Spangled Banner at my inauguration any time.
Grammy award winner Jim Steinman wrote the song, Tonight Is What it Means to Be Young, and if the style’s vaguely familiar, you’ve heard it many times especially if you’re a fan of Meatloaf’s seminal albums Bat Out of Hell and Bat Out of Hell II: Back Into Hell.
Here’s the clip:
Steinman’s style has been described as Wagnerian. I’ll say.