from – The man pictured here had on-camera sex with a girl who, as it turns out, may have been fifteen years old. Video of their copulation was then broadcasted on the internet. Oops.
As we reported Monday, a Florida mother is suing RK Netmedia, owner of, claiming that her underage runaway daughter was featured, under the name Bieyanka Moore, in a hardcore film on the porn site.
Attorneys representing both sides of the civil case claim they don’t have any information on Moore’s male counterpart. But that’s a pretty distinctive arm tattoo. And let’s face it: You watch a lot of porn. Have you seen him in anything else? Do you know his real or stage name?
Florida criminal law is clear in stating that ignorance of a minor’s true age, or “misrepresentation” on the minor’s part, may not be raised as a defense in cases involving underage sex.
This isn’t a witch hunt. If this porn star is culpable, then it stands to reason that the producers and managers who set up the shoot are as well– possibly more so. What we’re trying to do at this point is shed some light on what is right now a very murky and troubling situation. We hope to have information later in the week on who was directly responsible for the film’s production. RK, after all, is only a distributor.
Identify the porn star in the comments section, or via email.