Chico, California- A white van loaded with professional sex objects rolled up in front of the Phi Kappa Tau house with an eager Brittney Skye leading the porn assault on Chico’s Greek reputation. That’s been the basic crux of the news for the past couple weeks.
Whatever moral conundrum you feel Shane’s World and “College Invasion 6” brought up is your own business. Frats are irresponsible? Fine. They’re making Chico State look bad? It’s your opinion. Chico’s reputation is now solidified as one of sexual deviance? Whatever.
But a letter to the editor last week brought up a new issue with the frat house porn: sexism, and of course, the objectification of women.
I won’t single out the letter writers as the sole idealists behind the concept. I’m sure there are many who view the incident and porn in general as “demeaning to women.”
But I am so damn sick of that phrase that I could scream.
I’m all for women’s rights, but there’s a line between fighting for fairness and fighting just to raise an issue. Let’s recap the moments of “College Invasion” that are most likely to be called sexist. I’m not doing this for prurient reasons, but for clarity.
First, there was the ever-popular “ring-toss-on-the-dildo” game where a porn actress held a dildo with her crotch while random frat boys attempted to throw rings onto it so that the winner could have sex with other porn actresses.
Then Skye had sex with a frat member while actress Mary Jane choked her. Skye then demanded that the man ejaculate on her face. The man obliged.
Please understand that I’m not trying to gross you out here, but this is what happened in that video and to my best knowledge are the top things that, if I believed porn was sexist, I would take issue with. But, to play devil’s advocate for both the students and the porn industry, it’s apparent that these women were doing everything at their own discretion. And why not? They got paid for it; performing sexual acts on camera is part of their jobs.
Just watch the video. The actress who served as the centerpiece for the dildo toss dutifully crawled to the floor and undressed. When the dildo was put in place, she surely didn’t object. She might have only been acting her part, but she seemed to enjoy it.
Skye was probably the raciest of all the porn stars, but any degradation she received — and I’ll admit, there’s plenty — she brought on herself. It’s not hard to avoid getting ejaculated on; I know plenty of people who manage to pull it off every day. The reality is that Skye hissed “come here” to the fraternity member she was having sex with. She had no objection to going down on another while the entire house chanted for her to do so. And within 20 minutes of her arrival she asked, in the dirtiest way possible, if they can have sex.
I’m not saying this stuff isn’t raunchy. It is. The video really is a testament to why most people aren’t porn stars.
But before we go tossing around words like “sexism” and “demeaning,” we have to realize that some people have chosen pornography as a career. It’s not prostitution. It’s not rape. It’s nothing that the actresses can’t freely walk away from whenever they feel like it. They’re doing their jobs, regardless of how vile you may believe they are. Society’s male population isn’t forcing women into porn.
I believe in the relationship between free will and responsibility. Women are empowered more than ever to make a living in America however they choose. If they choose to have sex on tape, that’s their business.
But as long as they’re cashing in on it, they’re not victims.
It’s time people stopped acting like they are.