PASADENA – from – The creator and stars of Showtime’s Californication took umbrage with the implication that the show – which stars David Duchovny as a philandering father and author – is essentially porn.
“I don’t feel like it’s ever gone too far,” said creator and executive producer Tom Kapinos. “Porn is people having sex on film. These are people pretending to have sex while naked. I have no regrets at all.”
Series star Evan Handler – whose character, Charlie Runkel, had a threesome with Rick Springfield (playing himself) and a hooker last season – added that the sex scenes are not designed to titillate.
“I wouldn’t get turned on by them,” said Handler. “The sex scenes are never just to show people having sex. They’re always to make comments on sex or the relationships between the characters.”
Madeleine Martin, 17, who plays Duchovny’s daughter Becca, said she started watching the show after her 17th birthday. But she does not watch it regularly.
“I realized it’s easier to relate to the other characters on the show if I don’t see things that Becca wouldn’t see.”