from – Charlie Sheen should probably stay away from porn stars.
According to TMZ, the 45-year-old Two and a Half Men star was hospitalized Thursday after partying for nearly two days straight with five adult film actresses, including Kacey Jordan.
Though the L.A. Fire Department confirmed to that the actor was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, a friend of the actor shot down rumors that his hospitalization was the result of a drug overdose.
According to Extra, Charlie, 45, told pal Steve Brodersen that he’s “not dying” anytime soon; he’s simply being treated for a “hernia” injury.
Added his rep: “He was having severe abdominal pains and went to the hospital.”
Extra also reports that Charlie may need surgery as soon as Friday to repair the hernia.
An eyewitness spotted Denise Richards arriving on the scene shortly after learning of her ex-husband’s hospitalization.
“She had her hair down and looked very pretty, but she wasn’t wearing makeup and she looked tired and drawn,” the onlooker told Us. “Her eyes look like she’s been crying.”
“Thank you so much for you kind and supportive messages. It means a lot,” Richards tweeted Thursday evening.
The actor’s father, Martin Sheen, was also seen at Cedars-Sinai later in the afternoon.