Porn Valley- Every thing you could possibly want to know about Chloe Jones [pictured right] is contained in two movies that John Bowen shot with her in Brazil a couple of years ago. Apparently, Jones is very candid and forthright about her family life and career. But, by the same token, Bowen is telling me that Jones was horrific to deal with and one of the reasons why he no longer shoots American girls.
Bone said he was also amused to read web comments by publicist Jeff Mullen. “Yeah, like she was a great friend and we loved her very much- and, by the way, here’s a picture of our latest release which was shot on John Bowen’s money, on a trip to Brazil that John Bowen paid for where John Bowen shot two movies that are basically her sitting on a beach talking about her life and giving out all of the personal information that nobody knows.” The two movies that Bowen is referring to are Chloe Jones: You Don’t Know Me 1 & 2 from New Sensations.
According to Bowen, in all of the segues, Jones sits on the beach in Rio with another porn performer named Rose [also pictured]. “She tells all of the stuff about her life that nobody knows, that she’s never done in interviews- when she lost her virginity, her obsession with wanting to be a mortician. Her whole life,” Bowen states.
Bowen shot the movie something like two years ago and thinks it will be interesting to discover under what circumstances Jones died. She took prescription drugs in unprescribed dosages, was an epileptic, reportedly had leukemia, and rumors abounded in Brazil that she had HIV. “The Brazilians were saying that she had HIV from America,” said Bowen, noting that Brazilians were very angry about stories suggesting that if you wanted HIV, theirs was the country to get it from. “It’s that whole foreigners-thing,” said Bowen.
“The Brazilians were really mad that they had been fingered for this HIV.” In the same breath, Bowen is thinking that a lot of these comments were made in anger. “Nobody had caught it- there was nothing to justify the story. It was one of those fuck-you stories.” Jones had worked with the famous Brazilian performer Alexandre Frota [also in photo]. “Everyone was saying, oh, she’s given him AIDs,” says Bowen. “But he never had AIDs. The Brazilians are very hard on fuck me, fuck you. They have this thing where all foreigners have to give their finger prints in the airport in Brazil. Nobody else. Just Americans. Their whole reasoning is you make us do it, we make you do it. They’re into that mindset. Everybody’s pointing fingers at the Brazilians saying HIV. They didn’t know. It was just that she was over there.”
Bowen said shooting Jones was a nightmare and her puking episodes were the least of it. “Jeff [Mullen] was on that trip and, apart from the fact that I think he slept in the night I took her to the hospital- if you talked to him about this last week he would have agreed that she was a nightmare and she was the reason why his company gave up managing girls and went back into p.r. But now that she’s dead, you got to say things, like she was really nice. And this whole thing about prescription drugs? She abused the drugs. We got her some drugs, like sixty pills. She was supposed to take one a day. She took ten and ended up in a hospital. It was exactly like Elvis Presley with her taking ten times the medication.”
Bowen’s been in the business 20 years, and says Jones was the biggest piece of work he ever encountered. “That was the one thing she had going is that she showed up and that was because I would get her out of bed in the morning which would also take an hour.” According to Bowen when Jones was good, she was very, very good. “She was fun,” he says. “She made jokes all the time and was a very up person. But she was whacking down this medication all the time. You’d get her out of the bed in the morning which could take an hour. And then she’d come down with a big smile on her face- I’m ready to work, what are we doing today? This is going to be fun. I love the location. I like the boy. We’re going to have a great day today. She’d go to get breakfast but breakfast would be 10 times her medication. The next thing is she’s face down in a bowl of soup somewhere. You’d have to stop her from drowning in the soup and do her makeup at least two or three times because she just kept falling down. You’d re-do her makeup and then it would be time for the scene. It was great. She’d say I’ll do anything. But it was like fucking a dead horse.”
Bowen said she first met Jones in Brazil when Jeff Mullen brought her down. “Had I seen her before I’d never have shot her,” says Bowen candidly. “I saw pictures of this incredibly beautiful girl. Then she shows up at the airport.” Bowen makes a comparison to a Kentucky Derby entrant. “But she had the best intentions in the world.”
Bowen recalls running Jones to the hospital the first night she was in town but can’t swear to the fact whether Jeff Mullen just turned over in bed and didn’t accompany her.
“We had taken them out for dinner- it’s all in the movie,” says Bowen. “I shot footage in the hospital.” According to Bowen, everyone was partying, that Mullen was down there with his partner. “I got them a two bedroom suite. It’s like 2, 3 in the morning. Jeff calls my room- she’s passed out, she’s face down. They can’t wake her. She’s done. She’s going to die. I have to get out of bed and get dressed. If I’m not mistaken, I go to the room to get her and Jeff tells me he’s really tired. And he wants to go back to bed. Now I have to get Chloe in a taxi and rush her to the emergency room. It costs me $700. They admit her into the hospital. Chloe was in Brazil for two weeks and she did all the medication she brought for the two weeks- in one night, partying. They pumped her stomach and had her on IV drips. They told me I could get her out the next morning. The next morning I show up and it takes like an hour to sign her out. They didn’t really want to release her. And here’s the beautiful part- here’s a girl in the middle of Brazil. She doesn’t speak a word of Portuguese. She’s surrounded by these medical people who don’t speak a word of English but somehow she managed to get them to refill her prescription.”
Bowen remembers checking Jones out of the hospital and she’s wearing fluffy, animal slippers. “She’s clutching this bag of pills- I’m going to be fine, now. She’s supposed to be epileptic but now there’s going to be no more problems and everything’s cool. She wants to work.” Bowen shot the movies in various locations including a country estate outside of Sao Paulo along with a holiday resort and the beach in Rio. “We’re into cars and airplanes. I said at the time it was like being on tour with Janis Joplin. She was the center of attention all the time, even when she was passed out. She found one of the boys that she wanted to fuck all the time. She had to have booze all of the time. She had to have her medication and she was having epileptic fits every two hours where her head would turn all the way around and she’d spew green stuff out of her mouth. She did this in the most public of places. Her head would go down, she’d start nodding, her body would go stiff as a board and she’d shake violently. The medication was supposed to stop this. These fits were horrendous and it would take four of us to hold her down.”
Albeit Jones was a funny girl, says Bowen. “We managed to get the movies shot. But it was very difficult because you couldn’t put the makeup on her until you absolutely wanted to shoot her because in five minutes she would be laying face down in the dirt. You had to wash her face and do it all over again. But in the movies which include one long continuous interview, it’s called You Don’t Know Me because her whole point was to talk about the stuff that nobody ever asked her, that she never talked about before.” Also interesting, says Bowen, is the fact that he shot similar footage of Savannah before she died.
“I had a 20-minute piece of her sitting down and being interviewed. And the television station went crazy to get that from me because it was the only taped interview with her.”