Porn Valley – Plus One, aka The Dago Bomber, made it Plus Two on Dee and The Fatmen Thursday night- two shows in a row–The Bomber replacing Steve Seidman as the new comedy element to “Fatman” Harry Weiss and Dee.
From what’s been observed so far, The Bomber’s frames of reference are going to be less Quiznos and the Burbank salad bars and more Sardos and Cytherea. Relative to that issue, Weiss said his car battery went dead on him and he had to get Cytherea to an early call time Thursday morning.
Weiss hinted that Cytherea had a little adventure earlier that may have involved her head and a sharp object. The Bomber, aka Cytherea’s man, added that he was groggy, Cytherea was bleeding and Weiss’ car wouldn’t start. Of course the bleeding part of that comment needed some explanation. Weiss said that Cytherea had gone to take a bathroom break and somehow came out with a big gash on her head. Bomber said Cytherea needed a couple of stitches but nothing serious. “Someone said she had a concussion- how do you tell?”