Kevin Blatt posts on Did anyone happen to catch last night’s show on CNBC featuring David Hans Schmidt, Gloria Allured and my buddy, and super power attorney Derek Newman?
The piece was all on celebrity sex tapes- and I have to say I was floored by Schmidt last night.
I have never witnessed in all my life someone who was so disrespectful and delusional. I am trying to find the actual transcript of the show and when I do I will post it here- Off the top of my head I’d have to say the dead Johnny Cochran quote was so inflammatory i was appalled.
Not too mention Schmidt goes after Allred and attacks her for her role in the Amber Frey case- accusing her of shopping a book deal for Frey while the case was still ongoing.
Schmidt- You are a lunatic. After viewing your performance last night, I now realize I have no competition when brokering a legal sex tape in the future. I am not only much more discreet and educated, I am more articulate, better looking, and way more humble..