Porn Valley- If Chef Jeff were still doing his cooking show, co-ho Dee would have provided enough steam to do dumplings. Dee, on KSEX, Thursday night was very upset over a one-sentence posting on that she’s doing anal scenes for $2,000 and requiring condoms. Dee readily admitted that part but said that wasn’t the point. Dee felt that whoever let that information out was totally in the wrong, that porn star’s rates are confidential matters.
Jeff was going to make some big announcement about his love life with Kinzie Kenner. But it totally paled in comparison to the wrath of Dee. In their opening banter Jeff hinted that there was a lot to talk about. “You’re just waiting to jump out of your pants,” Jeff said to Dee. “Dude, I am so fuming right not it isn’t even funny. I haven’t felt this angry in a long time.” Jeff said the matter was brought to Dee’s attention moments before the show started. “Literally as you were sitting on the couch getting ready- somebody mentioned something in the chat room about anal scenes. Apparently you- and I guess the best way of setting it up- you do anal scenes right?”
Dee said she did but not as frequent as apparently some people would like. “I do it once in awhile.” Dee agreed that she’s very selective about the anal scenes she does do. Explaining the situation, Jeff noted that a production company called Dee and inquired about her doing an anal scene for them. “They asked what your rate would be for the scene.”
Dee explained that said production company was trying to get a hold of someone else. “They didn’t get the call back or the message back; they e-mailed me directly and asked me directly and they said are you available on this date. We are paying this much for an anal scene. We want YOU.” Dee explained she wrote back in an e-mail explaining that her rate was higher than the one quoted because she doesn’t do the scenes often. “It’s something special and I apologized for it being an inconvenience because they wanted an answer that day.” Dee went on to explain that the company then wrote back with the idea that they could negotiate a half-way settlement allowing her to pick out a guy, etc.
Dee further explained that she’s been doing condom scenes for seven years. There were two exceptions- one scene with Julian and one with Sean Michaels. Jeff wondered what the criterion was for that and Dee answered because it was those two performers. “That was the two reasons why- I know them and I know how they are.” But Dee also made it very clear that under no circumstances would she do non-condom anal. Dee noted that the last anal scene she did was a year ago with Michaels and that she had done a d.p. for Michael Ninn four weeks ago. “That’s it.”
In the exchange of e-mails with said production company, Dee said she told them this is the way it is take it or leave it. “Being professionals and the fact that this is between us- it should never have been leaked out the way it was- I didn’t hear anything back.” Because she didn’t hear back from the production company, Dee assumed that was it. “Cool, whatever.”
When Dee got to KSEX Thursday night, she was informed about the posting, via the message board. “You were not happy about that for several reasons,” stated Jeff. “One, it’s not a law, but it’s common etiquette in the adult business that you do not discuss prices, porn star rates and stuff.”
Dee agreed that these things are a private negotiation. “And the way it came out, it says Dee does anal AND demands condoms. I don’t demand shit. That’s just the way it’s been for awhile. And anyone who’s worked with me knows that. I am not a demanding person. I make the choices and if I don’t want to do an anal scene for a certain price that’s me. And I stated that the reason it was high is because I don’t do them. Anyone else with common sense- if you don’t want to do something- you’re going to price yourself out of it. Because someone will pay. Obviously anybody will pay for anything.”
Asked if she would accept an apology from the production company, Dee said she would. “But it makes me upset. It’s common etiquette. I don’t talk about peoples’ rates. I don’t talk about what people make.” Egging the whole issue on, Jeff said Dee could have come on the show and started talking shit about the production company. “Oh Company X only wants to pay the girls only this amount of money for anal scenes.” Dee’s opinion is that it’s no one’s business.
“I know what companies pay,” she said. “It’s not my business to sit there and say anything. We all do what we do.”
Dee said she was so upset that it totally fucked up her mood for the evening. “How dare someone go out there and do that !! You don’t make it sound like I was being demanding. You asked. Don’t ask me if you can’t accept.” According to Jeff, it says a lot about Dee that she would accept an apology. “Because you might want to give whoever it was the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they were emotional about it. Or stupid about it. Or whatever the case may be. At least you would give them the opportunity to apologize…maybe.”
Dee repeated that there was no fucking excuse for talking about other peoples’ rates. “Unless you and I were booking the same person. That’s between you and me. I’m not going to tell the rest of the fucking world. It’s nobody’s fucking business.”