Woodland Hills – Ducati Productions has been awarded multiple trademarks by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
As of October 23, 2007 the terms “Pigtail Cuties”, “Strap It to Me”, and “Ladies Are Gentlemen” are now registered trademarks owned by Ducati Productions, serial numbers 3316671, 3316673, and 3316672 respectively. These will join our previous trademark award for Strapon Chicks, registration number 2933090.
With the rampant piracy happening on the internet it is very important that we have the rights to our properties secured. When it comes to getting a judgment against infringers the difference can be counted in millions of dollars when you have your trademarks and registered copyrights established. It is imperative that we as an industry take the steps necessary to arm ourselves against piracy and copyright infringement. It could be the death of our business as we know it if not. The process is not difficult and the cost is minimal if you do it yourself.
If anyone needs guidance on how to do trademarks or copyrights they can contact our office at 818-887-1888. We have already provided U.S. and Canadian registration services for Peter North and are available to help anyone else.” says company owner Kevin Ducati.