The loquacious Bill Margold, is not only pretty talkative, he also has the gift of gab. And if you’re smart, maybe you listen.
The Catholic Church teaches that the Pope speaks “ex Cathedra” which means he cannot err in doctrines of faith and morals.
No one’s ever asked the Pontiff why the church, after teaching you that you’re going to hell for eating fish on Fridays, did a complete about face and began recommending items on the Ruth’s Chris steakhouse menu. Some say it was the powerful beef lobby behind it, but that’s only a guess.
Like popes of old who actually got on horseback and led charges into battle, I’d rather listen to Margold talk about porn any day, then any Pope talk about the catch of the day.
Margold’s take on what I refer to as “Condomania” this week in Downtown LA [a complete run down on the meeting will be featured on Cyber Mart this weekend] is pretty amusing and refreshing. But the impression you also get from talking to Margold is that Tuesday’s meeting was too contentious to accomplish anything to write home about…
Complete story at