Jay Rub posts: What Up ! It’s your Broad Banger #1!
In regards to Evolution videos, packaging. So far I’ve bought two evolution titles teen meat & apocalypse babylon. Let me tell ya the video is a++++!!! But like always with these guys there’s a hidden flaw that is covered with beauty, which is the packaging. The packaging is a homerun but if this were Wrigley Field in Chicago they would throw this shit back once it hit the bleachers which in my case rings true.
I’m watching the cubs this year in the playoffs, I get excited after a sammy sosa double & knock my recently purchased teen meat off my living room table. I calm down, then go to pick up my dvd off the floor to find it in 3 pieces, plastic tray detached from cover, cover, & both DVD’s scattered on the floor. Now I’m no Bob Sapp & all I did was graze the corner of the video to knock it off the table. Now my once fabulous looking DVD looks like a pile of garbage with some t & a on it. Once again I agree with chef Jeff on the fact that Evolution is putting out some dam good smut, but the durability of their packaging Sucks! It’s like buying a pack of baseball cards with the fancy covers & flimsy packaging. Once you break the plastic good luck keeping it together!
Gene sez: I talked to the boys at Evolution and they assure me that their R&D team, some of whom put in time at General Motors, are working with crash test dummies to resolve the problem.