Porn Valley- Gauge, who certainly can open a good can of whoop ass when the occasion warrants, [think the recent KSEX Games] was discussing the Erotica Boxing event on her KSEX show, www.ksexradio.
Erotica Boxing, is scheduled this Saturday night at the Harbor Boxing Club in San Pedro with the headline event pitting Brooke Hunter against Lisa Sparxxx.
Gauge’s schedule wouldn’t permit her to make the show, though she had been asked to participate. “Naked porn stars are putting on the gloves and they’re going to beat the shit out of each other for your entertainment pleasure,” said Flexxx, not putting too fine a point on it. “This is the event of the year not to be missed.”
Gauge said she was going to be in Nashville that weekend and would miss the boxing. Flexxx said when you think of an event like that, you equate it with Gauge. Gauge could picture herself putting on gloves bigger than her head. Flexxx could imagine her being crazy.
“I ammmm crazy,” Gauge corrected him. “You think of me as a crazy white girl.” Flexxx said the event is all about crazy women that will kick your ass.
Admitting that she might have “a little woman complex” Gauge said the difference between Erotica Boxing and the KSEX games is that you get to hit your opponent. “I’m like the white little money on their back and shit. Like Olivia [O’Lovely] couldn’t keep me off and shit . She’s like get offa me! It was hilarious. I don’t have anything against her. It was totally cool. It was fun and I wish I was in the boxing.”
Gauge asked Flexx who’d he pick in the Hunter- Sparxxx bout. “That’s a toughie,” said Flexxx. “If I had to pick somebody on the spot without giving it much deep thought, I’d pick Brooke Hunter because I think Lisa’s tits are going to get in the way.” Gauge said she’d go with Hunter, also.
“I know that Lisa’s never been in a fight before,” said Gauge. “And I’m not sure about Brooke. Brooke may not have fought anybody, either. I’m pretty sure she hasn’t, considering her husband’s a lawyer: ‘I’ll get my husband on you, motherfucker!’ ”
While Gauge acknowledges that both ladies are “bigger,” she thinks Hunter has more of a psycho look to her. “Like, what, bitch? I’ll kill you. She has that look to her. My dibs are on Brooke.” Gauge left it that if Sparxxx wins, Gauge will perform a sex act of the KSEX chatroom’s choosing.