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Frankly, a very stupid idea.
from www.instinctmagazine.com – Because nothing gets gays hotter than Pope Benedict XVI, Bel Ami’s George Duroy snuck his cameras into the Vatican to make the Prada-loving European who likes to always be surrounded by other dudes the newest star of his porn franchise.
Bel Ami’s Duroy recently announced last week that the Pope had been tricked into blessing two porn stars as priests as cameras rolled. Footage from the blessing will be included in the studio’s upcoming Scandal in Vatican, which uses the Vatican as a setting.
Bel Ami’s work horse (pun intended) and the film’s star Trevor Yates joked about the filming of the scene on Facebook, writing, “Mine is not the usual career path to get to the church. Came here through the adult industry.”
The Italian media believes the move is enough to grant the Vatican grounds for a lawsuit.
What do you think about Bel Ami’s tactic?
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