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from – Infuriated by a critic who photoshopped his head onto the body of a male porn star, a Georgia legislator has proposed making such images illegal. Violators would face a $1,000 fine.
“Everyone has a right to privacy,” Rep. Earnest Smith (D-Augusta) said in an interview with “No one has a right to make fun of anyone. It’s not a First Amendment right.”
The legislation would define defamation to include cases where someone “causes an unknowing person wrongfully to be identified as the person in an obscene depiction in such a manner that a reasonable person would conclude that the image depicted was that of the person so wrongfully identified.” It specifically includes “the electronic imposing of the facial image of a person onto an obscene depiction.”
Andre Walker, a blogger at Georgia Unfiltered, has been taunting Smith (NSFW) with images of his face photoshopped into a variety of “obscene depictions.”
“I cannot believe Rep. Earnest Smith thinks I’m insulting him by putting his head on the body of a well-built porn star,” Walker told Fox News.
Needless to say, a law making it illegal to photoshop someone’s head on the body of a porn star would face long odds under the Constitution. The First Amendment guarantees the right to freedom of speech, which absolutely includes a “right to make fun of anyone.”
“He’s the conductor of his own crazy train,” one of Smith’s fellow legislators told Fox News.