Nevada- [The Movable Buffet]- Robin Leach is reporting that Heidi Fleiss has vanished from Pahrump leaving the fate of her announced stud brothel there in grave doubt. This should not be a surprise to readers of the Buffet where since 2005 I have been steadfast in predicting that Heidi’s Stud Farm would never open in Pahrump.
There are just too many obstacles in the path including brothel regulations tailored for female prostitutes and Fleiss, as a convicted felon, being barred from ownership of a brothel. This has not stopped Fleiss from working the press for over a year hyping her stud farm. Leach reports that the telephone numbers for Fleiss are disconnected. But I tried the phone numbers I have for Fleiss this morning and one still works, well, sort-of worked: No one answered and there was no voice mail. I will keep trying the number, and if I reach Fleiss expect an update later today.