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from – A former Solomon teacher accused of having a sexual relationship with high school students is now in police custody.
Amber Stroda, 28, turned herself in to authorities Wednesday morning, one day after a warrant was issued for her arrest. She is charged with three counts of feloniously engaging in consensual intercourse and three counts of feloniously engaging in sexual sodomy.
The two alleged victims are Solomon high school students.
Jim Runge, USD 393 superintendent, said Stroda was a third grade teacher and a high school dance sponsor. He said she resigned from her job last October. The district approached law enforcement officers about unprofessional conduct concerns the same day.
“Obviously, this situation shakes our community shakes our school we’ve got to find a path back to normalcy,” Runge said. “it may take time we will do that,”
Sheriff Gareth Hoffman, Dickinson County, said the investigation is a first of its kind in the area.
“It’s certainly not a common thing, but having said that it’s obviously alarming,” Hoffman said. “I am pleased in the manner in which our investigators handled it. I am glad we are going to be able to wrap it up and it will be in the hands of the court now to decide whats appropriate.”
Sheriff Hoffman said the investigation had been ongoing for several months.
Stroda is expected to return to court Feb. 28 for a first appearance. Her bond has been set at $30,000.