Lexington, Ky- A Starbucks-style adult book store wouldn’t fly in Lexington, so Hustler’s trying a different tact- a nude juice bar. Now that Hustler’s been turned down on one end, Jimmy Flynt said he’s looking at alternatives that would include an all-nude cabaret with a non-alcoholic juice bar.
But Flynt said he would open a Hustler enterprise one way or another. “We may change it to a cabaret or we may leave it as a boutique,” Flynt told the press. Several days ago Flynt went to court to appeal the city’s decision to turn down a request for a Hustler store that would include a restaurant-coffee shop similar to a Starbucks with an area for adult magazines, movies and novelties. City officials, however, said they will fight Flynt on whatever he decides to do.
Commenting on Flynt’s idea about opening an all-nude juice bar, Pamela D. Honchell, head of a citizen’s group called A Better Lexington, said it was her understanding that Flynt, who’s already got $2 million invested in the project, wanted to open next door to a restaurant. Honchell said no way is her group going to give up the fight.
City officials however conceded that an adult cabaret such as one that Flynt wants to open would be permissible next to the restaurant provided certain conditions were met, according to the city’s planning manager, Bill Sallee. But such a request would still need city approval. Flynt’s attorney Louis Sirkin said that Flynt was not going to relinquish the property and would fight. “We’ve got our combat boots on,” he said.
Last Friday, Flynt filed suit against the city in Fayette Circuit Court to appeal the Board of Adjustment’s decision to turn down Flynt’s original request for a store. The suit called the decision “erroneous, arbitrary, capricious and unconstitutional.”