WWW- A FORMER PORN STAR lost her job after bosses found old pictures of her curves on the Internet.
The un-named woman was working for Sweden’s national medicine authority, interviewing drug addicts. And all seemed to be going swimmingly until details of her prowess in front of the camera were revealed.
Then she was suddenly offered just over $53,000 to quit.
“I have never been treated so badly in my life,” the Norwegian-Danish woman told Swedish newspaper Expressen. “I got no explanation about what I had done wrong. But later I spoke with a woman at the Agency and she said they had seen pictures of me on the Internet,” claimed the woman, according to Norwegian newspaper aftenposten.
“I was in those films seven years ago. I now disassociate myself from them. Am I not allowed to move on?” the woman whined. “I just hope that this hasn’t ruined my chances for a job in the future,” she told the Swedish paper.
Drug addicts in Sweden seem more depressed than usual this week, according to sources.
From Afterposten: The Swedish state has paid a Norwegian-Danish porn star SEK 400,000 (USD 53,200) to quit her job as an expert in Sweden’s Medical Products Agency, the state pharmaceutical authority.
The woman worked interviewing drug addicts for a Medical Products Agency project.
“They got off cheap, I have never been treated so badly in my life,” the woman told Swedish newspaper Expressen.
The woman, 27, who has a past in hard core porn films and has appeared in American magazine Penthouse, has worked for the past year interviewing drug addicts for Sweden’s national medicine authority.
This April a member of staff found out about the woman’s past and a scandal evolved.
According to an information director at the authority, the woman’s project was adjudged to be flawed and she was then asked to quit.
“I was very sad. I got no explanation about what I had done wrong. But later I spoke with a woman at the Agency and she said they had seen pictures of me on the Internet,” the woman said.
“I was in those films seven years ago. I now disassociate myself from them. Am I not allowed to move on? I just hope that this hasn’t ruined my chances for a job in the future,” the woman told Expressen.
The man who hired her at the Agency is currently under police investigation and the Agency claimed that her qualifications as an expert for the interview project are unknown.
The man is accused of not following agency routines and also suspected of financial misdoing.