ECN and IVD Executives have achieved something remarkable. They took a handful of adult industry professionals, put them together in a bowling alley, and managed to raise over $10,000 for breast cancer research.
What began as some friendly wagering has now spurred an outpouring of generous donations from the industry, both from companies and individuals. The contributions continue to roll in, and IVD/ECN organizers are thrilled with the response.
“Words can’t express how touched I am by the generosity we’re seeing,” says IVD’s Frank Kay.
“This is a cause that is very important to me, and I’m blown away by the response. The people in this industry are so caring and so willing to join our efforts, and I can’t thank them enough – it brings a tear to my eye.”
As word of the fundraising efforts spreads, new contributors are expressing interest in donating. Serving as a central collection point, the distributor asks interested donators to contact them directly at 800-999-2483 extension 1240.