Zombie Strippers. Yep.
Got your attention? Good. Then let me ask what makes Zombie Strippers an instant midnight movie? Is it porn queen Jenna Jameson, naked and dead and spouting Nietzsche? Or Robert “Freddy Krueger” Englund as the club owner trying to cash in on his collection of zombie strippers by stashing their undead lap-dance victims in the basement? Or the way the film is based on Ionesco’s classic conformity play, Rhinoceros, about the rise of the Third Reich? Is it the biting Bush and Cheney satire? Or is it just the naked pole dances and the shredded, gory bodies? Of course, it’s all of the above, especially since Zombie Strippers, written and directed by Jay Lee, never takes itself particularly seriously.
Even the philosophic deep thoughts are tongue in ragged, torn-open cheek.
The plot? The nefarious CheneyCo’s zombie virus has gotten loose, so a crack squad of soldiers is brought in to take out the victims. One gets bit, escapes the premises and ends up in the Rhino strip club, where he promptly takes a bite out of Jenna Jameson, who becomes A) undead, and B) an amazing nude dancer. She gives an incredible lap dance, but her customers aren’t quite the same afterward. Of course, all of this disrupts the club’s normal dressing-room politics.
So, is it any good? Look, this movie is called Zombie Strippers. It delivers on its title. It has zombies, and it has strippers; there are bitings and boobies, a few killer jokes and some that just drop dead. If that’s your thing, dude, this is your movie, especially if you drink heavily ahead of time. You’ll find Zombie Strippers is a lot cheaper than an actual strip club and a little brainier. But whether those brains are for eatin’ or for thinkin’ is up to you.