D Jones writes: Dear Gene, I don’t know if you wrote the posting aboout Jessica and Metro’s Les Rich but, she is 1000% right! I am a former employee of the corp. and prefer to remain anonomous. That place is ridiculous! I was duped into thinking I had this great influential position in the company, and after I signed on, it turns out the job was the complete opposite from what I interviewed for. They f over everyone!
One of the officers of the company is from a completely different industry and knows squat about porn and marketing, the whole show is being run by drum roll please…….da da da… Les Rich an accountant who looks like Ichabod Crane. Les has totally fucked up a good company with half ass decisions. He got rid of Keith (O’Conner) and was behind this website debacle you posted today. That idiot has single handedly crippled the company on Ken Guarino. Ask Gauge, Cytheria, and Kelly Erickson how Les Rich operates….He pisses off everybody there and gets involved with way to many things that he knows nothing about. There are a lot of good people that work there, that are getting screwed by this idiot. I hope Ken takes his company back before it’s too late. I feel bad for Jessica.