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Rob Black will probably talk more about this on his show, but John Stagliano will not be appearing in another Stretch Class. The decision was made last week.
Since Black inaugurated his Internet show the end of March, Black has been targeting Stagliano, who is HIV, with conducting risky acts with his talent in this porn series. Black first learned that a female performer was recruited by Stagliano and sent by her agency, Type 9, without telling her of Stagliano’s condition. By the same token, Stagliano was hardly forthcoming.
Black has been relentless on the attack, and hardly a day goes by when Black isn’t reminding his listening audience how dangerous and wrong this practice has been. Black had talked of an imminent lawsuit.
Black has also been taking a lot of heat from the “powers-that-be” for his decision to focus on the story. But in a meeting last week at Evil Angel it was decided that Stagliano would abdicate.