Chris Danneffel posts: This spot of webspace has been supposed to be the first official private website of Lea De Mae. Negotiations regarding this issue were made in July 2004.
Shortly before the first shoots for this site were supposed to start, Lea De Mae had to go to the hospital unexpectedly because of head aches and problems with her left eye and movements on the left side of her body. After her friends urged the doctors to make a CT and MRI, they indeed found a tumour close to her basal ganglias. Immediately a brain surgery has been done. As many specialists told me who saw the results, this operation was performed amazingly good. This happened in the middle of August.
4 weeks later a radio therapy started, another 2 weeks later a chemo therapy (Temodal) followed. Both have been finished a few days ago. Another MRI will be made on 4th November 2004.
Thanks to Lea De Mae’s manager Oldrich Widman from Dream Entertainment a Lea De Mae fund was founded with kind support of famous Silvia Saint. Ever since then many people around the world have spent money to support lovely Lea De Mae.
One week ago, when she was at home for the weekend, Lea De Mae was in a relatively good mood and constitution. She spent two days at home together with her closest friends, among them her sister, who mainly takes care for her, and Monica Sweetheart, with whom she often worked together and with whom she liked to party. After that weekend she went back to hospital for another circle of radiation therapy. Since last Wednesday she’s at home. But she doesn’t feel well right now. She suffers from heavy pains in her back and in her head. Last night the emergency doctor had to be called. We’re currently looking for a proper pain therapy, but according to Lucie (Lea De Mae’s sister) the Czech doctors don’t seem to be able to deal with that.
In the meantime Lea De Mae also suffers from the fatigue syndrome, she stays in bed all day and doesn’t want to see anybody, not even her closest friends.
As Pics-and-Models is located in Germany, we were able to contact many clinics and specialists mainly in Germany but also in Switzerland, Great Britain, USA and Australia. The problem is the unfavorable location of the tumor. Because it lays close to very important parts of her brain, it could not be cut out completely. What’s even worse: this kind of cancer is able to keep growing. Another MRI in 4 weeks will reveal the current situation and also whether she might need a second therapy or not. If yes, she maybe can participate in a clinical trial, which would be free in Germany. However, if she doesn’t meet the enclose criterias, we have to look for a solution which could be very expensive.
Since we don’t know what the future has in store for us, we think that it was a good idea of Olda Widman & Silvie Saint to raise a fund for Lea De Mae. We want to publish a list of all donators as well as the current amount of money that has come in so far soon.
A “thank you” note of Lea De Mae to all of her fans, friends and helpers all over the world is in the process of being translated and will be published here, too.
We’ll keep you updated on everything what happens regarding the situation of adorable Lea De Mae.
As I’m writing these lines, my eyes are filled with tears. It’s one of the most depressive moments when something very sad happens that you cannot influence. Yesterday night the emergency doctor has to be called again. Lea’s pains were so extreme that the first two doses of medicine showed no effect. She didn’t sleep at all, but went from one room to the other, not knowing how to get rid of her head aches.
Today her sister Lucie brought her back into hospital where Lea didn’t want to go, because it’s old and ugly and the old patients around her are dying. Lea De Mae and her sister arrived at 2 pm, but they had to wait 2 hours(!) until a doctor finally came to take care of her. Because of this dramatic situation a new MRI will be made already tomorrow. I will go there too, take the results as soon as they are available and send it to all the specialists I’ve contacted so far.
I know I’m not alone; I know that many fans and friends, colleagues, producers and photographers would like to take and spread Lea’s pain and illness all over ourselves. Thus, a little pain for all of us would be an excellent relief for Lea De Mae. But she, who brought so much joy into the live of so many people, carries her heavy weight solely. We are standing beside her, helplessly and not being able to ease her pain – with tears in our eyes.