Porn Valley- By now you have probably already figured out who the mystery guest is on Radium vol 2.
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If having a multi-platinum frontman record the guitar tracks for Radium 2 isn’t enough, Radium 2 will also feature Matt Zane singing on one of the mystery guests tracks.
“I was talking to the mystery metal guest about the theme song and I asked if he could lay down a few vocal idea’s. He felt it might of been a little to easy for people to identify him so recording the guitar tracks seemed to be the next best thing. After it was finished I was really into the song and wanted to write and record some vocals on it. I asked him and he was cool with it so I ran into to the studio to record. I think that track came out great” says Zane.
You can see the footage of Matt in the studio working on his vocals below. You can hear the entire theme song titled “Suffering” on Radium Volume 2.