Tampa, Florida- I spoke to Max Hardcore again Monday night on the eve of his trial.
“We’re ready to go and this is costing a fucking boat load of lawyers,” says Max. “The only thing I don’t have is a truck load of money.”
Max has five lawyers, and an investigator who he says is as expensive as a lawyer. Max says the whole deal is a set price so he doesn’t get billed hourly. Just like a restaurant which includes appetizers and dessert with the main course.
“Lou Sirkin gave me a pretty good deal but it’s still a truck load full of cash,” continues Max.
“I’m sure there are Brinks trucks going around with a lot less money than I’m spending. It’s all a bunch of bullshit. It really is. I don’t know what the government hopes to accomplish. I can understand going after guys fucking underage girls. I can understand going after burglars and bank robbers. But I don’t know what they’re trying to do.”
“They’re assembling a whole bunch of shit and we have ten boxes full of my bank records and all sorts of shipping records. And guess what it shows? It shows that Jaded Video [a mail order company] sent the DVD’s to Tampa. But guess who’s on trial? Me.”
Max’s case has been going on for a couple of years when his home was raided, and he was in Barcelona at the time.
“A guess this case could have involved anybody but they’ve had it out for me since 1999 was I was involved in that state case and we wrapped it up in 2001. They need a bad guy. They need someone they can point their finger at. But I really don’t see how this is benefitting our society very much. I don’t think kids are learning anything more in school or that there are better lunch programs or fewer children left behind in school.
“I didn’t see anyone proving that this will be of any benefit to society as a whole. What would be a real benefit is if we’d stop losing our brothers and sisters over in Iraq for no good reason. All I know is that I’m facing some pretty serious charges and have some good guys behind me. I hope the rest of the industry is pulling for me and realizing that especially after Buttman it can happen to anybody. They better pray that I win.
“If I lose I’m the first big case that’s going to go the distance and be the first big case that’s settling this Internet deal as far as video clips, trailers and so forth. If I lose, there’s going to be a lot of people in jeopardy in our industry. Nobody’s helping me out in any casual way other than a pat on the back and good luck.
“But they better wish themselves good luck if I lose. I’m ready to go but there’s only so much one man can do with his team. That’s about all I got to say. I’m the guy on the line.”