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Porn Valley- It wouldn’t be unfair to say that prior to her interview last week with The Sports Swami, we never heard of Malora Malone. And we never finished our recap of Malone’s interview, either

But, in the meantime, Malone’s comments did strike a few of our readers as exceptionally vain judging by this sample:

XXX writes: C’mon! Someone needs to tell this wannabe superstar to drink a big frosty glass of Shut the Fuck Up…and to let her know that’s the worst Photoshop manipulated picture ever. At least Ann Coulter’s insanity is entertaining.

another XXX writes: “The one thing you can say about George Bush is that George Bush is all for civil rights whether people realize it or not. He has always been a civil rights advocate.” –Malora Malone. This ignorant skank needs to pull her Photoshop head out of her Photoshop ass.

and another XXX writes: Malora Malone is living proof that smoking crack, sniffing glue, or doing whatever it is that has so grievously fucked up her head doesn’t always result in laser-like insight. Sometimes all that stuff does is make you sound like a babbling retard.

This is how the rest of Malone’s interview shapes up; you be the judge:

Malone was telling Swami how much respect she had for Sunset Thomas and Jenna Jameson. “There’s a certain respect and love that will always be there,” she states. “I think they’re fantastic women. Veronica Hart and Marilyn Chambers- we used to be very good friends, too. But you go your separate ways. A lot of it is that they work a million hours. But they’re great women. They’re icons.”

Malone said, similarly, she’s attempting to make her mark in the adult industry. Malone let it be known, though, that Jameson didn’t talk her into getting into the adult industry. “But that’s the first time I heard of the envious,” says Malone. [One of Swami’s rumors was that Jameson was allegedly “jealous” of Malone.]

“But I know that Sunset was so jealous of me,” Malone goes on to say. “Her and I actually had a falling out. I was in Nevada for Dennis’s [Hof] birth day when they were still together. It was the year I broke out and she was so jealous that she could hardly talk to me. That’s what she told me- she could hardly look at me or talk to me. I ended up cutting my vacation short from a week to two days and hopped on a plane and came home. The tension was too much. I didn’t want to create strife between her and I. But with me I had a falling out and that’s where Jenna bounced forward and I bounced kinda back.

“I’ve had cancer my entire life and I got very ill so I didn’t work for two years. In those two years Jenna went from a beautiful girl next door to one of the most beautiful people in the industry, in the world. She’s gorgeous. But I don’t have any jealousy. That’s funny. I have to think about that one.

“I’m not jealous of the women in the industry,” Malone continues. “If I was jealous of the other women in the industry I would never succeed in the way that I have.” Swami asked a question about the Thomas falling out that required Malone to elaborate. “It was pretty harsh,” she said. “We didn’t physically fight or anything because that’s not the way her and I are. We’re friends. But she was mad at me. I was, what’s the matter? Because I was there- she said please come, it’s Dennis’s birthday. The birthday party was a huge success which I missed. And I felt horrible because Dennis is a really good friend of mine. And he’s been in the press a lot lately. Regardless of that, Dennis Hof is a proud pimp- but I’ll tell you what- the guy has a heart of gold. He’s one of the beautiful people. People don’t realize that about Dennis Hof and dumping Sunset was really the best thing for everybody.”

Asked why she’d make a comment like that, Malone said the relationship “wasn’t real”.

“The business suffered because Dennis wasn’t happy,” Malone continued. “Dennis is his own man. Dennis didn’t become Dennis Hof because of being with Sunset. Hof has been Dennis Hof as long as Larry Flynt has been Larry Flynt. He is who he is. He’s always been like me- outgoing, motivated, not afraid o speak his mind. That’s what I love about Dennis. At the same time he’s a father; he’s a great man- I’ve never been with the man personally, intimately. But I see the way he treats women. He treats women with respect and people don’t realize that about Dennis. They go he’s a pimp. He probably talks trash to the girls who work at the brothels. No way. No way. He treats women with the utmost respect. It’s unreal. Those are the things that I love about people. I guess society can’t say it’s all bad.”

Asked how she’s dealing with the “aftershocks” of that rerlationship, Malone said Hof called her when she was on her way back to the airport: “Please, come back. I told him what happened. It’s better that I go. I wanted him to enjoy his birthday party and if I was there it just wasn’t going to happen. And he had a fantastic time and called me about a week after.”

Malone then started talking about “a Canadian woman” presumably that Hof is seeing.

“I don’t know what that’s all about,” she said. “I’ve not spoken to Dennis so I will not even comment on it. I don’t know what’s true, what’s false. If he is married and they finally found love, God bless his heart. He deserves it more than anybody else I know.”

Malone went on to re-establish the fact that she was not tight with Sunset Thomas. “It’s a respect, a courtesy. I respect her. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve seen the inside of her life in certain ways which I’m sure the public will never see- by default, by staying in each other’s homes, and seeing what goes on in day to day life. I care about her as an individual. Right now what she’s doing is fantastic. She’s taking total control of her life. That’s why I said the best thing that ever happened was the two of them splitting because she needed to drop the co-dependency and be on her own. And she’s doing it. She’s achieving and that’s fantastic. But , actually, I was always closer to Dennis than I ever was to Sunset.”

Malone went on to say that she doesn’t talk to Hof too much right now. “He’s busy like me- we’re on the road.” According to Malone, Hof was very upset that Sunset was jealous of Malone. “He was so angry at her he couldn’t even speak. Because I left. But he did enjoy his birthday and that’s great. But that was then- this is now.”

Malone said she likes the changes within the industry. “It’s a good change- I hope Playboy stays on its rotten direction and keeps going because the best thing that could happen in the adult industry is that Playboy ought to do what it wants to do and stop pretending to be what it isn’t and go to mainstream. But that’s what they’re trying to do. It’s his [Hefner’s] daughter. She runs Playboy Enterprises plus the Playboy Entertainment Group. She’s the president. He’s technically the president but she runs the day to day operations. She’s a bitch. Can I say that on the air. She’s a bitch and ever since she took over, she’s trying to be the whole Playboy, trying to turn it into a Maxim-style magazine. Nobody wants that. We want good old fashioned Playboy. But she’s going to do it anyway.”

Malone was of the belief that Playboy’s competitors like Genesis and Hustler were great. “The one thing I liked about Playboy- obviously I lean towards the beautiful women- I love the adult news and reading some of the articles from fans and stuff like that. I read every fan letter I get, and I get a lot. My fan club is a little over 50,000. That’s offline. Online is close to 25,000, something like that. I’ve got a lot of fans.”

Malone says she takes the time to read all her letters and gets back to every fan who writes. “That’s a commitment that I make to my fans. I write every fan back and send them a movie or picture. But sometimes it’ll take me a month or two to do it. That’s just the way it is. Well, I only work 100 hours a week.”

Malone was expressing hope that she’d hook up with L.A. Direct Models. “They’re fantastic,” she said. “They’re the best. Jim South was the best. Unfortunately now he’s gradually retiring- and Dallas and Jim Jr. are taking over. Unfortunately- and I say this from personal experience- Dallas is a good guy, but Jim Jr. is not what his father is or was. And it’s very obvious with the agency. But they’ll still be around. They just won’t be Number One. Jim South Jr.- trying to communicate with him is like hitting your head into a wall. But L.A. Direct- they’re on the rise. They’re great and from what I hear they treat their staff phenomenal. And they’ve been getting flogged with all kinds of contract offers. It’ll probably be L.A. Direct. I’m hoping. But I’m not against smaller agencies.

“Keep in mind- I have all my own contacts in the industry. I grew up with the Flynts. I met Larry Flynt when I was 5 1/2. So I have all my own contacts and that kind of makes it tough because- like Jim South knows everybody in the industry. He doesn’t have to worry about it. But I had all my own contacts so I could phone up Jimmy and say, hey, anything new going on? But when you have an agent who’ve never sat down and had dinner with Larry or Jimmy or the family, it’s a lot different, and I find agents get a little bit weird about it. I’m not sure why. They don’t utilize my connections in the adult industry. I don’t know why. They should. But they don’t.”

Malone went on to say that Jim South would be missed when he’s gone. “He’s been around longer than anybody else. But like I said L.A. Direct is on the rise. But there have been so many other agents who have contacted me. There’s a lot of modeling agencies trying. Agencies are a dime a dozen so you have to be selective. You got to go where you’re going to be treated with respect- as long as you give 150%.”


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