from – And so it continues. The Associated Press released an article attacking Rand Paul for receiving donations from “pornographers”.
This latest attack just happens to coincide with the second day of his 2 day money bomb commemorating his father Ron Paul’s birthday. Over $250,000 was raised, but instead, let’s talk a bit about what is pornography and what isn’t.
First, the contributors run a web site called It’s an adult social media site where models, photographers, and users unite to create and appreciate artsy photography of the mostly non-nude female form. In the minds of some this may pass for “pornography”, but I’d say most people would agree this is more art than porn.
Despite the fact that the donations weren’t from Zivity, and that Zivity would barely fall under the definition of pornography, people are calling for Rand to return the money. Says someone who has no idea what he’s talking about:
“A lot of Kentuckians would have a problem with a candidate accepting money from organizations that are tearing down the culture,” said Martin Cothran, a policy analyst for The Family Foundation of Kentucky. “And we assume that the Paul campaign understands that.”
Schreiner himself seems to have little knowledge of Zivity either. By phone yesterday he asked me if I could tell him more about the site. He had not, apparently, ventured farther than the home page.
The fact is Zivity is nowhere near as graphic as mainstream television. Sexual acts are never shown, and often the models aren’t even undressed. A typical Saturday evening on Showtime or HBO would be far more likely to “tear down our culture,” in the words of whoever that guy is. And I doubt the AP would be trying to make a big deal out of a HBO employee making a donation to a campaign.
It’s pretty safe to chalk this one up to the recent trend of the left media’s attempts to spread dirt on Rand Paul every chance they get. Oh and by the way, Martin Cothran quoted above, still plans on voting for Rand Paul as he makes clear in an article of his own.
Now what follows is what the media should be talking about. To me this passes as far more pornographic than what the folks of Zivity are doing…
Let’s take a look at what sectors are the largest contributors to both Rand Paul and his opponent Jack Conway. This is downright hardcore porn here.
So most of Paul’s contributions come from a sector called “Other”. It seems to me this represents Paul’s appeal across a spectrum of voters rather than any particular special interest group. Now let’s have a look at Jack Conway’s contributions by sector.
Well, how about that? The majority of Jack’s money comes from lawyers and lobbyists. That is a hardcore pornographic image right there and it’s far more disgusting and vile than any of the thousands of images I just finished looking at over at for the past several hours.
So I respectfully request (ie. demand) that AP’s Bruce Schreiner, in the interest of unbiased journalism, publish the above graphs and suggest Jack Conway should return all the money he’s received from the true pornographers in our society: lawyers and lobbyists.
Of course, that would be impossible for Jack to do. He is one of them. They are his associates, peers, and friends.
Thanks for your time. I’m now going to spend a few more hours over at looking at art. I suggest you do the same.
I also suggest you throw another donation Rand Paul’s way to help him defend these kinds of attacks in the future.