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Morning Gossip Headlines

Admit it. You laughed, nay, you scoffed at the notion of Mary Carey running for governor of California. And when she whipped out her proposal on taxing breast implants, you chortled. You cackled. You made sarcastic Harry Weiss comments on the radio. But, guess what? New York is considering implementing Carey’s very idea. The city believes it can generate an extra $63 million a year by taxing breast implants and other cosmetic surgery, the Independent Budget Office said in a list of different ways to close the city’s budget gap. Mary Carey, we salute you.

Listening to Courtney Love on Howard Stern Thursday was reminiscent of some porn star reviews in the past. In fact during one verbal jag, Love told Stern she had only $4,200 left, because “a bank I’m not going to mention” is withholding $40 million from her, and that the bank’s “done it to a Laker . . . and porn stars.” Maybe that’s the answer to why porn stars are always broke.

The Drudge Report is saying that Sen. John Kerry is crafting a response to the accusations made on the site yesterday that Kerry conducted a two-year relationship with a woman that began in Spring 2001 and ended two years later when the story leaked out. The woman reportedly fled to Africa and is currently residing there. Drudge is also reporting that General Wesley Clark who told a dozen reporters off the record that Kerry was going to implode over an intern issue is now denying the story.


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