Xander Corvus @XCorvus tweets:
@RealRobBlack Hey Princess, I got an Idea. How’s about I show up at your little studio tonight and we have a Man to worm on the air?
Xander Corvus @XCorvus
@RealRobBlack Why so quiet tough guy?
Xander Corvus @XCorvus777 8h
@RealRobBlack you down? No, because you are a bitch and always will be. Coward. Liar. Failure. No one loves you. No one ever will.
Xander Corvus @XCorvus:
Hey you cowardly little fuck? Lets go get tested. Together. You little rat bitch worm pathetic excuse for a man. #HailSatan @RealRobBlack
Xander Corvus @XCorvus:
Hi my name is Mychael Burns AKA Xander Corvus. @RealRobBlack Suck. My. Balls. Thank you very much.