Tony Batman, writes: Denver-We have tried to explain to you that this trip to Denver for the Adult Stars Ball is not the normal operating procedures for a huge porn event. If you don’t count in the Nightmoves Tampa Show, The Exotic Dancer Expo, and the Houston Pornatopia shows, well there is nothing like this show in Denver.
There is on huge difference and this is what sets the Denver Adult Film stars Ball apart from the others. It’s one night at one club, the incredible La Boheme Cabaret, but it’s a Convention, Expo, Awards shows amount of people in one night.
There were plenty of glitches in the system, there were some unhappy people who attended, and there were some scheduling flaws…. Notice I said some, as in a few. Most huge week long events have to more problems than that, and we did this show in one night.
I am actually surprised how well it all went considering the cast of characters that were in attendance.
Over 40 adult stars, a few rock stars, several video crews and a good many photographers, not to mention all the club owners who came to just observe and party, and about 100 of the hottest house dancers I have seen in a very long time. We did good!!
I have been telling you all some of the very surreal things that have been happening since the trip started last Friday morning, and well now the rest of the story.
The airplane ride back to Los Angeles from Denver is only half full of the porn stars that few out to the show. Since the Exotic Dancer Expo and Storerotica Convention in Las Vegas start on Monday, half of the girls decided just to fly from Denver to Vegas to save a trip home and then right back out.
I have the pleasure of sharing a row of seats with Nikki Benz, Puma Swede, Monica Mayhem and Sydney Steel. We are all completely exhausted but we are giving the “Civilian” passengers an earful of adult talk and exploits.
I finally settle down in my window seat, Puma directly beside me, and reach for the Sky Mall Magazine, you know the one with all the gadgets that are so overpriced, the really neat idea products that make you say “Wow that would be cool to have, I wonder what that goes for?”, you look at the 200 percent inflated price and think, it’s not that cool. Yea that magazine… I open it up and a few smaller pages of a book fall out into my lap…
Now this has happened in a public place before, the religious pamphlets get stuffed into almost any place the messenger can find to get you to look at them. Only this time it wasn’t a religious paper, it was not a sales ad, or anything of the like.
It was….. A story from the Penthouse Letters, ripped out of a book or magazine and hidden in the Sky mall booklet in my seat, (Not any one else’s seat, my seat, Why did I find this, why not the scotch brite traveling salesman from Arizona ?) Well, I scan over the pages and it is a very sexy story of a threesome with a guy and his blonde wife and there brunette friend, Puma and Nikki grab the pages from me, (I believe I had sex with one or both of them in Denver but I really have a blur in my head for a good 12 hours during that time)
They look over the pages, and Puma in her very thick foreign accent begins to read the story out loud on the plane, Its funny at first, then as the story gets more um, in depth, Puma states out loud, this is making me horny again.. As you might be already thinking, let me go ahead and answer, yes the entire plane full of non adult working people are staring at our row at this point. Nikki Benz looks at Puma laughs and says, take Batman in the bathroom or just ask for a blanket…
At this point, if there were to be any sex or part of sex going on, there would be 120 person audience. The plane finally took off and we all fell asleep within 15 minutes. We awoke during the decent into the Los Angeles area and took up the conversation right where we left off, much to the horror of the airline staff.
That was it, the last crazy report from Denver, but please don’t spend too much time worrying you heads, I’m off to Las Vegas tomorrow for the Exotic Dancer Expo, an event infamous for its wild escapades. I’ll fill you in on all the Shananganins.