NY- Prostitutes are lining up to tell the Manhattan district attorney’s office what they know about busty madam Kristin Davis’ call-girl operation, law enforcement sources said Tuesday.
One young woman – with two lawyers in tow – showed up at the district attorney’s office eager to dish details about Davis’ alleged multimillion-dollar empire.
Other hookers have called prosecutors hoping to share what they know about their alleged former employer, sources said.
Davis, 32, has plead not guilty to charges of money-laundering and prostitution.
The bottle blond, who was busted by the NYPD’s Manhattan vice squad, is accused of running at least three Manhattan-based prostitution rings – Wicked Models, Maison de L’Amour and New York Body Miracle.
Davis’ lawyer has hinted her client list included disgraced former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who considered Davis a personal favorite. The Manhattan district attorney’s office has said no evidence of the link has surfaced.
Rangers hockey star Sean Avery’s name and cell phone number were in a huge client database for Davis’ operation that was obtained by the Daily News.
Avery denied using the sex services. The spreadsheet contained personal information of some 2,000 men, several of whom confirmed they used the ring.
When detectives raided Davis’ E. 56th St. apartment, they seized two laptops, at least four BlackBerries and assorted cell phones, as well as bank records.
Investigators are still trying to piece together the financial records and client lists, but they may never get the full picture.
In Davis’ home, investigators found a dusty outline of where a third, missing laptop may have rested. Authorities said she was tipped off to the indictment and tried to move money offshore.