The Grand Vizier had a jump on this story a couple of weeks ago, and now it’s official. Sin City is looking to move to a smaller building.
Sin City is looking at a couple of options right now, according to David Sturman.
“If another company were to take over part of our current building on Deering in Chatsworth, we would consider sharing if that possibility exists,” he says. “Our needs are 8-12k square feet with a third of that office space. We could share about that same amount of space in our current building.”
The Deering facility is approximately 24k square feet with ample parking with two dock doors of which 10k square feet is office space with A/C. There is a sound stage of about 3500 Square feet, as well. There’s ample power and 3 men’s and 3 womens bathrooms.
Interested parties should contact Barbara Olsen at 818-407-9990 or email her @ [email protected].