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Stacy Valentine Talks to The Swami-

Porn Valley- Stacy Valentine,, one of the owners of Exotic Star Models, was on the Sports Swami show today. As might be expected, Swami fielded one of his typically dumb ass rumors- that Valentine supposedly did drugs at one point in her career. Valentine seemed genuinely stunned for a moment and lost her bearings during the conversation. But she regained composure.

At the beginning of the interview, Valentine talked about starting up Exotic Star Models with partners September Dawn and Shelby Stevens. “We are doing pretty well.” Valentine reported that the new company has about 20 performers under their belt right now, including guys. “We’re booking everybody pretty solid.” Swami seemed to think there was a lot of back stabbing and mud slinging among the agents.

“The agents have been pretty cool,” Valentine replied. “There’s enough people to go around for every agent. And we haven’t had any problems. Everyone’s got their own niche.” Valentine was very complimentary about L.A. Direct models and how Derrick there runs a tight ship. “He has the most people. We admire that and would like to be similar to him- maybe not quite so many girls. But he runs his business quite well.”

It was noted that Stormy Daniels was with the agency at the outset but left. “It was a little disappointing that she left,” said Valentine. “But that happened right at the beginning.” Valentine said Stormy had so many irons in the fire that it was hard for her to concentrate on the business. “It didn’t quite work out, but we’re all still great friends- she’s an amazing person. I wish her all the best.”

Asked what her role was with the agency, Valentine said having been talent herself she knows what the people are going through and thinking. “I can relate to them and I think it helps me be a better manager.” Valentine thinks it also makes her tougher. “Because you can’t fly things by me. I’ve already been there and done that.” Valentine stressed that the owners of the agency all wear a bunch of different hats. “From taking the talent to where they need to go to taking them to get their AIM tests. Everything we need to do, we do. I’m a collection agent and I’m a babysitter at the same time. It’s very challenging, a lot of fun and not what I expected. But I’m having a real good time.”

Swami asked Valentine why she retired in the first place. “You still have your looks. You were still on top of the came. A lot of people said you were right there with Jenna Jameson, with Ginger Lynn, with Bridgette Kerkove,” Valentine said she decided to pull a Jerry Seinfeld. “Go out while you’re still on top as opposed to being around and people going, oh God, is that broad still doing movies? Why doesn’t she just retire already.”

Valentine certainly had the contract and the awards. “It was really cool but I had been in the industry four years,” she said. “That was long enough for me. I felt it was time to move on, step aside and let someone else have that. It was a good run. I had a good run.”

Swami also put a plug in for the documentary on Valentine, The Girl Next Door. “It showed that there were tensions- the boyfriend at the time wants to get close and cuddle but sees the myriad images of you on the set having a wild time. Is it easier when you’re not in the business to date?” A lot easier said Valentine.

“When I was in the business it got a little confusing- mixing sex with my job,” says Valentine. “And when I wasn’t working and the thought of having sex with someone- this is my job- it became a little mechanical while I was in the industry.”

Valentine said she was with someone for those years between the time she retired and came back to Los Angeles last year. “I was with one person and that went okay. We didn’t talk about the movie. We didn’t talk about the business. Like that didn’t exist.” But Valentine said that was hard on her because that’s who she is. Swami assumed it must be tough when you can’t relate the deepest, darkest secrets to someone. “You basically withhold a piece of yourself for a long, long time.”

Agreeing, Valentine also pointed out that the relationship didn’t work out. Swami said he heard that part of the reason she was doing movies to begin with is that Valentine was on drugs. “I heard it was cocaine, it was pot- is it true? Do you see that happening now in the industry with the younger girls?”

“Wow- I did not know that I was a drug addict,” Valentine answered, a little stunned. “Wow, that’s a new rumor on me. I hadn’t heard that one. I heard that when I left the industry I got married and had three kids. But I hadn’t heard that I was on drugs.” Swami blamed a “Republican” for the rumor. Given the option to tell him he was full of crap, Valentine told Swami he was full of it. Swami said he’s also heard that female porn performers use narcotics to get them through a tough scene.

“It’s 8 in the morning- they don’t like the guy. he’s uglier than George Bush. They have to do the scene or there goes that thousand dollars.”

“Even when I was in the business I’ve never seen anyone do drugs on set,” Valentine replied. “I’ve seen people smoke pot but I don’t consider that doing drugs.” Neither has Valentine seen anyone do cocaine. “Either I’m naive or no one did it around me. Nobody talked about it around me. I don’t know. But I didn’t see it. I can’t really comment on that.”Swami then tried to nail some thesis down about Valentine’s looks having something to do with working against her. “I don’t think I look better than my competition,” Valentine said. I was pretty much the same level with the girls when I was in the industry. I didn’t really have a big ego to think I was prettier than anyone else.”

Valentine was also asked if she sees obsessions taking root with the performers about having plastic surgery done. “I do see that,” aid Valentine, noting that the style now is not having big boobs. Valentine said people still check out her boobs. “But that’s not what’s being requested now in the industry.” Rather, Valentine said it’s more an emphasis of 18 to 21 year old girls and natural, small boobs. “It’s all about that teen look. Plastic surgery isn’t the craze the way it was when I was in the industry. But I’m sure people are still getting it but I’m not seeing it.” Valentine suggested to interview her in three months and she might have a different answer.

Swami was still looking for some hidden reason as to why Valentine came back into the industry. “You had- almost- a nice life. You were out of the loop. You weren’t hearing all those obsessive fans. Or these hardcore directors that like to see women vandalized with a broomstick. On an 18 year-old girl screwed over with a cucumber. Why come back and deal with all these people?” Valentine replied that she needed a break and took one for four years. Valentine was living in New York. “New York is a great place to visit- but it wasn’t for me and I just wanted to come home. And home to me is Los Angeles.” Valentine said the industry was very good to her and she didn’t have any problems. “I just wanted to give back to the industry and stay involved.”

On one hand, acknowledging the family aspects of the business, Valentine said there’s a lot of back stabbing that also goes along with it. “But it’s a closeness that I haven’t experienced anywhere else,” she said. “And I liked that and missed that.” By having a management company, Valentine feels she can lead some girls in the right direction. “Not everyone is going to follow my path, but if I can at least offer some advice and maybe help someone out.” In her career Valentine didn’t have an agent. “I went through the business on my own without any help.” Valentine says it would have been nice if she had the guidance from someone about taking on projects. “I didn’t know any better- nothing bad happened. But there were some things that I could have done differently.”

Valentine would love it if she could help another girl get to the level she enjoyed in the business. “I would love to be known as the company that gets their girls contracts. That would be nice.” Before she came into the industry, Valentine describes herself as the typical girl from Oklahoma with permed hair.

“I can relate to anyone and that’s what we want to do- help the girls with their image,” she says. “When you first get into the industry you don’t know all the beauty tricks and the secrets.” One of the advantages her company has, says, Valentine, is having Shelby Stevens who’s a makeup artist. “There’s a transformation that goes on and you can look at any girl’s picture and see her a few years later and how she’s transformed into this beautiful woman. It’s really cool. I love seeing the before and after. It’s pretty cool.”

Swami wondered how Valentine’s mother reacted when she learned that Valentine was coming back into the business. “She was happy that I was going to keep my clothes on,” laughs Valentine. “Whatever I want to do, she knows I’m crazy. And she loves me anyway. That’s what’s so great about mothers.”

Valentine said her mother’s fine as long she as she knows that Valentine’s happy and safe and making her own money. “I want you to be successful and you are, so how can I complain? She’s cool. She rolls with it. She never knows what I’m going to do next.”

Asked if she has the urge to get back in front of camera, Valentine said she’s been tempted. “There’s a new crop of guys out right now and they’re really attractive,” states Valentine. “It’s different than when it was when I was in the industry.” But Valentine stresses the fact that it’s more important to work with a guy who has solid wood than one who’s all looks and not always solid. “But when I’m taking my girls to sets I’m meeting all kinds of hotties. And it’s very tempting some times.”

Valentine said she’s also meeting guys who were watching her movies when she was performing in them. “I get the comments- I used to jack off to your scenes. That makes me laugh. It’s comical and flattering in a way.” Valentine says she gets the offers to work with some of the newer guys. “But I always say thank you and I’ll keep you mind but I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

As far as relationships go, Valentine said she doesn’t have a lot of time for one. “I’m out the door about 7 in the morning and I’m home about 9 or 10 at night. That’s seven days a week right now. I don’t have a lot of time to devote that I think a guy would deserve.” Valentine, however, is seeing someone outside the industry who owns his own business. “It works out that we’re both busy. If he wasn’t we’d have a problem.”

As far as handling the talent in her agency, Valentine says there’s no jealousy issues. “We try to run a pretty tight ship. If we have a problem we have a three strikes rule. If you’re late three times we’ve got to let you go. If we’ve got problems we don’t let them continue. We sit them down and let them know- we need you to act a certain way and if you don’t we have to let you go. I have no time for tardiness and certain things that go on. We’re just trying to keep a group of really good people. And if they’re not good we’ll let them go.”

Valentine was also quick to stress that while she doesn’t have complete input in her website, she does make money off of it. “It all evens out pretty good.” Valentine also mentions that she doesn’t do nudity any more on her site. “Now we have other girls who do stuff like that on my site. I keep my clothes on now. It’s all about my girls. It’s not about me anymore.”


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