Howard Stern and Chef Jeff from KSEX now have something in common. They both blew the big one.
This morning Stern had on Victoria Zdrok who made the big announcement that she was named Penthouse Pet of the Year. Stern always brags about asking the questions no one else will, and in a segment last week one of his stooges, stuttering John, asked actor Ben Affleck if he wore a toupee. Affleck danced around that question.
Only this time, instead of nailing Zdrok, who was in a Chester County, Pennsylvania courtroom last week battling it out in an ugly property settlement with her ex-husband, Stern elected not to bring the matter up and had Zdrok, instead, participate in a game in which Zdrok got naked and Stern won an opportunity to give her a Bronski. Zdrok was also given a chance to dish out a bunch of feel-good promo on behalf of and her own website, the name of which she had to change because of a legal hassle she had with Victoria’s Secret.
But Stern never touched upon that, either. In fact, Stern acted as though he were meeting Zdrok for the first time, though she has appeared on his show in the past. In one instance, though, a caller-in questioned Zdrok’s academic credentials. Zdrok’s always claimed that she has a law degree from Villanova University but has never practiced, she says. She also claims a degree from the prestigious Drexel University.
Similarly, Chef Jeff had an instance several weeks ago when, on KSEX, he interviewed Staccy Skyy who was an eyewitness to the alleged Vince Neil assault at the Bunny Ranch. But Jeff never questioned Skyy about it.
On the other hand, the hard-hitting Stern earlier in the morning asked Tabitha Stevens about rumors that she got it on with Jon Dalton aka Johnny Fairplay from TV’s Survivor. The way it was told, Gary when he was in L.A., told Stevens that Fairplay was going to be on Stern and Stevens was supposed to have said she was going to give the guy a blowjob so he could have something to talk about. Stevens said she hadn’t meant it literally, that it was in fun. “He [Fairplay] came to the table where I was sitting- he and his friend. We were all having a couple of cocktails and he said to me, ‘Hey don’t you know who I am?’
“I have no idea,” Stevens told him. Stevens said she wouldn’t consider giving the guy a blowjob. “If he couldn’t even win Survivor being in the jungle, how is he going to win Tabitha Stevens? You can’t survive the jungle, how is he going to survive this? I think he’s a nice kid, but, c’mon.”