Steve Banan posts: X porn star Layla Jade, who has been hiding out from the INS at LA Couples in Downtown Los Angeles, in her latest press release wants it to be known that she is now officially an artist. Sure, she’s an artist a con artist. I’m glad she finally admitted it. Do everyone a favor Layla. just go home and take care of business. This is Steve Banan for The Liberty Network.
The Liberty Network received mucho email today after the above article ran, some in favor and some against. I also read what Layla had to say on the Sports Swami Show. She has been spouting the same crap from the day she came to this country. Ashley Long, Nakita Denise, Hannah Harper, and the rest have gone home when their Visa expired and took care of business. Something you have refused to do for the last two years. So how can you compare yourself to them?
I challenge you Ms. Jade finally, right here and right now to present to me proper and legal working papers or a valid Visa. I will even go on Wankus show at KSEXradio where you can present these papers to me. If you can do that then I will apologize to whole world. If you can’t then you must go home, even though you will not be allowed to return to this country for at least ten years, how about it Layla. You girl enough…or are just full of shit. This is Steve Banan for The Liberty Network.