The ostensibly Steve Banan-less Banan newsletter runs the following:
Los Angeles– “The worlds largest porn studio opens its doors to the fans for this one day. The day that will change conventions forever.” These were the headlines that ran on earlier this morning.
Give us a break; the editor of AI News, should be ashamed of himself running this type of garbage on his website. He should be drummed out of the business for this kind of debauchery. In the old days, in the West, they would have taken him out and hung him from the highest tree for this type of tripe. It makes no difference to us, but it should to you our readers to believe the truth about X-con. It was a total bust, field reports tell us about fifty attendees showed up today at the Entertanium in Downtown Los Angeles, CA. Renau West, the proprietor of Adultcon, another fan based convention, stood outside the Entertanium, and counted the attendees using a clicker. In fact The Liberty Network, has the proof, we have the clicker. Some vendors have gone so far to tell The Liberty Network, it was so bad they would have to pay us to come to the next one.
A day that will change conventions forever, that was the headline. Change convention more like ruin conventions forever should be the headline. This fiasco should go down in adult industry history as the worst of the worst. I cannot believe that I was assigned to attend and cover this garbage. I will most definitely take this up with my editor in the morning.
We have been told that X-con plans to put on a show like this twice a month. That is what it will be, a put on. My advice do not even bother, forget about it and chuck it up to experience and let the big boys, AVN/AEE, AMNE and Adultcon take care of business…This is Martin Lewis, for The Liberty Network and WP&A-Adult News.
Gene sez: I don’t recall seeing Renaud West outside with a clicker, but if he was skulking in the bushes like Inspector Clouseau, that I’d believe. Neither did I hear of any intentions to make this event twice a month. But Layla Jade did say that she’d like to see this become a monthly enterprise which, I personally think might be a stretch. The problem is we didn’t start seeing press on this until about two weeks ago- not nearly enough time to get the word out for the first show. But it does have enormous possibilities.