The one stripper that actually was a med student.
from – Over the holidays, feds busted a Park Slope Adderall-trafficking ring, arresting at least one of the people who allegedly sold thousands of pills online which they had gotten from New York Methodist Hospital. And oh the colorful cast of characters involved: a gambling anesthesiologist, a stripper-turned-med student, a lawyer from Tennessee, and a greek chorus of mercurial hospital residents. It’s basically Avenue Q come to life!
The ring allegedly sold over 11,000 Adderalls between May 2008 and April 2010, most of which were prescribed to Pauline Wiltshire [pictured left], 30, the aforementioned former stripper-turned-med student. Wiltshire had been dating Dr. Michael Hosny Gabriel, an anesthesiology resident at Methodist who was busted for selling scrips back in March. Gabriel allegedly had a gambling habit which fueled his excursions into pill pushing, but it seems that Wiltshire kept the scheme going, selling the pills online using Craigslist and PayPal, ever after his indictment.
In September, undercover agents arranged to make a buy from Wiltshire, who said she’d be out of the country till December 25 (she goes to school in the West Indies), which explains why it took so long to arrest her formally. In the meantime, the federal agents received a package of Adderall from Knoxville, Tennessee, which they believe was sent by Wiltshire’s sister, lawyer Sarah Wiltshire Larkin, who lives there. Wiltshire was arrested in Atlanta when she stepped off a Delta flight from St. Kitts on Christmas Day. She was placed under house arrest this week, and faces more than ten years in prison if convicted of the felony drug conspiracy charge.